Hi Tobias,

On 06/21/2016 06:22 AM, Tobias McNulty wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 20, 2016 at 10:51 AM, Carl Meyer <c...@oddbird.net
> <mailto:c...@oddbird.net>> wrote
>> Possible disadvantages of this approach:
> <snip> 
>> 3. The new behavior may surprise some people accustomed to the old
>> behavior, since it means the effect of the middleware decorator won't
>> occur immediately where the decorator is applied. E.g. if you apply a
>> middleware decorator to a view, and then another custom view decorator
>> outside that, the custom view decorator won't see the effects of the
>> middleware decorator in the actual response (it would only see a new
>> entry in view_func._extra_middleware).
> This one seems like the gotcha to me.

Yeah, I agree.

> What if, for example, I have a
> view decorator whose effects I specifically don't want to cache, but I
> do want to cache the underlying view; is it fair to require that the
> person write a middleware and then turn it into a decorator to be able
> to do that?

Caching happens to be a bad example, because AFAICT nobody should ever
use the cache_page decorator (or cache full responses right after the
view function, as you describe here) due to
https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/15855 -- unless I suppose they are
pre-adding all the correct Vary headers themselves.

But I think the general point is a good one nonetheless.

> Are we effectively saying, "for view decorators to behave
> the way you might expect, implement them as middleware"? It seems odd,
> to me at least, that I should care what the underlying implementation of
> a decorator is before I use it. It also violates the 'strict in/out
> layering' goal, albeit for decorators instead of middleware. (A similar
> argument could be said of exceptions -- what if I want to trap an
> exception raised by a middleware-turned-decorator?)
> It might be okay if the decorators themselves were explicit about what
> they were doing, for example @cache_page(3600) might become:
> @add_middleware(CacheMiddleware, cache_timeout=3600)

Yes, I did think about this. It makes it more difficult to use, but it
does give a clearer picture of what's actually happening. We aren't
directly decorating the view function, we're just annotating it with an
extra per-view middleware.

> However, that's probably a bigger and unnecessary change.
> Would it be possible to implement a combination of the approaches, i.e.,
> make the delay in applying the middleware-turned-decorator the exception
> rather than the rule, perhaps only for TemplateResponses and
> specifically for the purpose of supporting a deprecation plan? And then,
> long-term, leave it up to middleware/decorator authors & users to decide
> how best to implement/layer them, being explicit about the implications
> of rendering the response or perhaps more appropriately, "not rendering
> if you can avoid it" (i.e., your first strategy)?

I don't think it's worth doing this just for a deprecation path. If
we're OK in the long term with making middleware-turned-decorator
authors responsible for correctly handling TemplateResponse themselves,
we should just go there right away via
https://github.com/django/django/pull/6765 -- we can take care of
backwards-compatibility quite nicely there in the transition mixin. In
fact I'd say the overall backward-compatibility of this approach (#6765)
is better than that of #6805 (the extra-middleware-annotation approach),
due to converting all our builtin decorators-from-middleware to the new
style in the latter.

The downside of #6765 is that the boilerplate for correctly handling
TemplateResponse is pretty ugly [1], and any middleware that accesses
response.content would pretty much need to do that, in case it might
sometime be used in decorator_from_middleware.

To be honest though, I'm still not sure that isn't our best option. Most
middleware I've written don't access response.content, they set headers,
so they'd be unaffected. Some of Django's built-in ones do touch
content, but we can deal with the ugly TemplateResponse boilerplate in
our own middleware.



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