@Josh, thanks for pointing out the Expressions API

I will look into it and see if I can come up with a solution that looks 
reasonable (including an investigation into requirements on contributing to 
the GROUP BY) and report here / in Trac.

On Monday, March 7, 2016 at 1:14:06 PM UTC+1, Tim Graham wrote:
> Ticket for JSON_AGG: https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/26327
> On Thursday, January 7, 2016 at 5:45:03 PM UTC-5, Josh Smeaton wrote:
>> Seems reasonable enough to me. Expressions already support generating an 
>> ORDER BY clause by calling .asc() or .desc() on them. That'd allow your 
>> proposed API to support:
>> Model.objects.aggregate(ArrayAgg(some_field, order_by=
>> F('some_field').asc()))
>> Or any other expression. Consider that any ordering added within *may* 
>> need to be contributed to GROUP BY, but I haven't read the documentation to 
>> say that is a requirement.
>> Feel free to open a ticket in Trac to track the feature. If you're also 
>> up for implementing it (..and testing.. and documenting..) I'm quietly 
>> confident that it'll be fairly straight forward to add, given familiarity 
>> with Expressions API.
>> Additionally, if you think json_agg and json_object_agg should be 
>> implemented, you can open a feature ticket on Trac for those too. 
>> Regards,
>> On Friday, 8 January 2016 00:46:52 UTC+11, Floris den Hengst wrote:
>>> The excellent ArrayAgg and StringAgg Postgres-specific aggregates were 
>>> introduced in contrib.postgres in Django 1.9 and I've been quite happy 
>>> using them here and there.
>>> Thanks for the keeping Django awesome!
>>> The documentation 
>>> <http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.0/static/functions-aggregate.html> of 
>>> Postgres 9.0 first mentions the possiblity of ordering the results within 
>>> such aggregations.
>>> This could be useful in some cases.
>>> For example: it could make sense to perform the StringAgg in 
>>> lexicographical order in some cases.
>>> The simple format of ordering the aggregation result in SQL is quite 
>>> simple:
>>> SELECT ARRAY_AGG(some_field ORDER BY some_field ASC) FROM table;
>>> SELECT ARRAY_AGG(some_field ORDER BY some_field DESC) FROM table;
>>> SELECT ARRAY_AGG(some_field ORDER BY other_field ASC) FROM table;
>>> It would be nice if the above would be supported as follows:
>>> Model.objects.aggregate(ArrayAgg(some_field, order_by='some_field'))
>>> Model.objects.aggregate(ArrayAgg(some_field, order_by='-some_field'))
>>> Model.objects.aggregate(ArrayAgg(some_field, order_by='other_field'))
>>> where order_by is an optional parameter. If it not specified, behavior 
>>> can remain unchanged from the current implementation.
>>> Note that the documentation for Postgres >= 9.3 also mentions 
>>> json_agg ordering and Postgres >= 9.4 mentions json_object_agg as well.
>>> I'm unsure whether these should be included as well as I couldn't find 
>>> the matching implementation in the ORM atm and have no knowledge on plans 
>>> in that direction.

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