I spent some time during the DjangoCon sprint today looking into
dashboard.djangoproject.com and how it calculates metrics. I was hoping to
add some new metrics that mash up data from GitHub and Trac together. While
technically possible, this breaks down when you want to link out to a list
of the related tickets in Trac. For example:

   - A list of Accepted tickets with no open PR or an open PR that hasn't t
   been touched in X months
   - A list of Accepted tickets with no PR and no attached patch that
   haven't been touched in  months

This got me wondering: Is checking for GitHub PRs via JavaScript the Right
Way to do it? What if we had a cronjob update Trac periodically with PR
status from GitHub?

I think it would be valuable to be able to query on PR status from within
Trac, e.g., to help find in progress but stale/abandoned tickets. Cleaning
up the work of someone else who's lost interest in a patch is often a good
way to get into Django development.

I'm sure there are some holes in this idea, so I'm putting it out there for
comment. Was something like this considered before, and if so, why wasn't
it pursued?

If it hasn't been considered before, what are the obvious problems I might

Rather than sync the data periodically, another approach might be to extend
the existing trac-github <https://github.com/trac-hacks/trac-github>
plugin, though that would still require sync'ing existing data up front and
substantial testing to make sure all the right events (e.g., renames and
closures) are caught appropriately. It's not as simple as adding a commit
hash to a ticket's history, esp. if we ever wanted to change the fields
that were brought over from GitHub.


*Tobias McNulty*Chief Executive Officer


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