Hi Claude,

I spent some time looking at the implementations out there and in one
of my projects I'm running a custom one, that uses yet another approach
(that I plan to release as a library some day).

It is not only that we are not yet ready to bless one of them, I have a
feeling that we never will, as they are incredibly different from each

django-parler, django-hvad and django-model-i18n use seperate tables to
store the data, which is cleaner from a database point of view but
requires more JOINs. The former two use custom model base classes, the
latter uses a registration-based approach.

django-model-translation uses seperate columns for the different
languages, thus working with a "static" set of languages and
requiring a migration if you add translation capabilities or
change the set of languages. On the other hand, it saves you a lot of
JOIN queries. It uses a registration-based approach to register models
with the system.

My project uses only a custom field type that stores the translated
contents in a JSONField-type thing. This has some downsides with
regards to indexing and searching (at least on non-Postgres) and is
less clean from the DB side but requires neither migrations for new
langages nor any additional JOINs. (And I believe it is very clean on
the Django-side as it just requires you to replace a CharField with an
I18nCharField, no custom base classes, no registration, etc.).

Each of those approaches has severe advantages and disadvantages and
more importantly, they are fundamentally different. I don't believe a
new meta option would help you in any way, as for some of them you'd
probably *still* need a custom model base class.

It also would not allow you to easily switch between them or have a
reusable app to be compatible with multiple of them because it would
still be very undefined how you get to the translated versions in the
different systems, how you store the data into the field, etc.


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