Hey all,

Please check a draft DEP related to external query language support by 
Django ORM https://github.com/django/deps/pull/40. 


On Wednesday, March 22, 2017 at 10:07:51 AM UTC+3, Asif Saifuddin wrote:
> Hi Aric,
> I checked your package. it's nice too. thanks for the work.
> Asif
> On Monday, October 17, 2016 at 4:38:26 AM UTC+6, Aric Coady wrote:
>> +1.  I implemented much the same thing for part of django-model-values 
>> <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/django-model-values/>, but went with F 
>> expressions 
>> <http://pythonhosted.org/django-model-values/reference.html#f> as the 
>> basis instead.  Primarily because F expressions already support operator 
>> overloading and are a natural intermediate object;  from there one can 
>> create Q, OrderBy, and Func objects.
>> In []: from model_values import F
>> In []: F.user.created
>> Out[]: FExpr(user__created)
>> In []: F.user.created >= 0
>> Out[]: <Q: (AND: ('user__created__gte', 0))>
>> In []: F.user.created.min()
>> Out[]: Min(FExpr(user__created))
>> In []: -F.user.created
>> Out[]: OrderBy(FExpr(user__created), descending=True)
>> In []: F.text.iexact('...')
>> Out[]: <Q: (AND: ('text__iexact', '...'))>
>> On Thursday, October 6, 2016 at 10:04:56 AM UTC-7, Alexey Zankevich wrote:
>>> Hey all,
>>> Just want to announce recent changes in Django ORM Sugar library, which 
>>> might be useful in future Django query syntax enhancement (if ever happens).
>>> 1. Now it supports indexes and slices:
>>> >>> Q.data.owner.other_pets[0].name='Fishy'
>>> Q(data__owner__other_pets__0__name='Fishy')
>>> >>> Q.tags[0] == 'thoughts'
>>> Q(tags__0='thoughts')
>>> >>> Q.tags[0:2].contains(['thoughts']) 
>>> Q(tags__0_2__contains=['thoughts'])
>>> 2. Previously, it was only possible to call defined method (like it is 
>>> done for *is_not_null()* function) or registered with decorator. Now if 
>>> you try to call unknown function of sugar Q, it will internally pass 
>>> function name and append it as *__functionname *to lookup field:
>>> >>> Q.user.username.contains('Rodriguez')
>>> Q(user__username__contains='Rodriguez')
>>> There is no such function "contains" anymore in sugar Q, however, it 
>>> just adds *__contains* to lookup field and passes parameter to it.
>>> 3. It will pass a tuple to lookup if multiple arguments passed:
>>> >>> Q.user.create_datetime.range(d1, d2)
>>> Q(user__create_datetime__range=(d1, d2))
>>> I think the library is at the final state now and isn't going to get new 
>>> substantial features, but responses are highly appreciated.
>>> Regards,
>>> Alexey
>>> On Sunday, August 16, 2015 at 4:18:26 PM UTC+3, Alexey Zankevich wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> This topic is related to the current ORM query syntax with underscores.
>>>> There are lots of arguing related to it, anyway it has pros and cons.
>>>> Let's take a concrete example of querying a model:
>>>> >>> 
>>>> GameSession.objects.filter(user__profile__last_login_date__gte=yesterday)
>>>> Pros:
>>>> 1. The syntax is easy to understand
>>>> 2. Can be extended with custom transforms and lookups
>>>> However, there are several cons:
>>>> 1. Long strings is hard to read, especially if we have fields with 
>>>> underscores.
>>>> It's really easy to make a mistake by missing one:
>>>> >>> 
>>>> GameSession.objects.filter(user_profile__last_login_date__gte=yesterday)
>>>> Not easy to catch missing underscore between user and profile, is it? 
>>>> Even
>>>> though, it's not easy to say whether it should be "user_profile" 
>>>> attribute or
>>>> user.profile foreign key.
>>>> 2. Query strings can't be reused, thus the approach violates DRY 
>>>> principle.
>>>> For example, we need to order results by last_login_date:
>>>> >>> 
>>>> GameSession.objects.filter(user__profile__last_login_date__gte=yesterday) \
>>>> .order_by('user__profile__last_login_date')
>>>> We can't keep user__profile_login_date as a variable as in the first 
>>>> part of the
>>>> expression we use a keyword argument, meanwhile in the second part - 
>>>> just a 
>>>> string. And thus we just have to type query path twice.
>>>> 3. Lookup names not natural to Python language and require to be 
>>>> remembered or
>>>> looked up in documentation. For example, "__gte" or "__lte" lookups 
>>>> tend to be
>>>> confused with "ge" and "le" due to similarity to methods "__ge__" and 
>>>> "__le__".
>>>> 4. Lookup keywords limited to a single argument only, very inconvenient 
>>>> when
>>>> necessary to filter objects by range.
>>>> I was thinking a lot trying to solve those issues, keeping in mind 
>>>> Django
>>>> approaches. Finally I came up with solution to extend Q objects with dot
>>>> expression syntax:
>>>> >>> GameSession.objecs.filter(Q.user.profile.last_login_date >= 
>>>> yesterday)
>>>> Q is a factory instance for old-style Q objects. Accessing attribute by 
>>>> dot
>>>> returns a child factory, calling factory will instantiate old-style Q 
>>>> object.
>>>> >>> Q
>>>> <QFactory object at 0x7f407298ee10>
>>>> >>> Q.user.profile
>>>> <QFactory object at 0x7f40765da310>
>>>> >>> Q(user__name='Bob')
>>>> <Q: (AND: ('user__name', 'Bob'))>
>>>> It overrides operators, so comparing factory with value returns a 
>>>> related Q
>>>> object:
>>>> >>> Q.user.name == 'Bob'
>>>> <Q: (AND: ('user__name', 'Bob'))>
>>>> Factory has several helper functions for lookups which aren't related 
>>>> to any
>>>> Python operators directly:
>>>> >>> Q.user.name.icontains('Bob')
>>>> <Q: (AND: ('user__name__icontains', 'Bob'))>
>>>> And helper to get query path as string, which requred by order_by or
>>>> select_related queryset methods: 
>>>> >>> Q.user.profile.last_login_date.get_path()
>>>> 'user__profile__last_login_date'
>>>> You can check implementation and more examples here
>>>> https://github.com/Nepherhotep/django-orm-sugar
>>>> How it solves issues:
>>>> #1. Dots hard to confuse with underscores
>>>> #2. Query paths can be reused:
>>>> >>> factory = Q.user.profile.last_login_date
>>>> >>> query = GameSession.objects.filter(factory >= yesterday)
>>>> >>> query = query.order_by(factory.get_path())
>>>> #3. Not neccessary to remember most of lookup names and use comparison 
>>>> operators
>>>> instead.
>>>> #4. Possible to use multiple keyword arguments:
>>>> >>> Q.user.profile.last_login_date.in_range(from_date, to_date)
>>>> <Q: (AND: ('user__profile__last_login_date__lte', from_date),
>>>> ('user__profile__last_login_date__gte', to_date))>
>>>> This approach looked the best for me due to several reasons:
>>>> 1. It's explicit - it doesn't do anything but generating appropriate Q 
>>>> object. 
>>>> The result of comparison can be saved as Q object variable.
>>>> 2. It's short - variants with using model for that will look much 
>>>> longer, when
>>>> joining two or more filters:
>>>> >>> GameSession.objects.user.profile_last_login_date >= yesterday  # 
>>>> awkward
>>>> 3. Implementation will not require to change querset manager or model 
>>>> classes
>>>> 4. Will still allow to use filters and Q class in the old way:
>>>> >>> q = Q(user__profile__last_login_date__gte=yesterday)
>>>> or
>>>> >>> 
>>>> GameSession.objects.filter(user__profile__last_login_date__gte=yesterday)
>>>> I'd like to make it as a part of Django ORM syntax and it will not be 
>>>> hard to
>>>> do, especially taking into account the library is already done and 
>>>> working. 
>>>> Anyway, I need your thought about the idea in general, as well as about
>>>> particular things like chosen method names - "get_path", "in_range" and 
>>>> etc.
>>>> As next step I can create a ticket in the issue tracker, or prepare DEP 
>>>> first.
>>>> In latter case I need to find a shepherd to work with.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Alexey

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