On Mon, Jun 12, 2017 at 10:53 PM, Tom Christie <christie....@gmail.com>

> > def handler(channel_layer, channel_name, message):
> Oh great! That's not a million miles away from what I'm working towards on
> my side.
> Are you planning to eventually introduce something like that as part of
> the ASGI spec?

I had been pondering doing so for a while and I think this thread has
catalysed me to actually do it (and incorporate support for it into the
Channels/asgiref stuff too, so everything can use a common Worker class if
it's running in a separate process)

> > So is the channels object just a place to stuff different function
> handlers?
> No, it's just a different interface style onto exactly the same set of
> channel send/receive functionality.
> It's the difference between this:
>     def hello_world(channel_layer, channel_name, message):
>         ...
>         channel_layer.send(message['reply_channel'], response)
> And this:
>     def hello_world(message, channels):
>         ...
>         channels['reply'].send(response)

This is the sort of thing I would not put in a spec, but leave the
framework to do if it likes (the same way Django adds things like
message.reply_channel to the original message)

> > Why not just pass the channel layer there and use the API on that
> directly? e.g.: channel_layer.group_send("chat", message["text"])
> With the groups example I wanted to demonstrate that we don't need extra
> "extensions" API introduced onto the channel layer in order to support a
> broadcast interface.

Well the extensions are there for a reason :) But again, I think my goal in
ASGI is to provide a solid but not necessarily pretty base, and let things
build on top of it as they wish.

> > then frameworks can do per-channel-name dispatch if they like
> Yup, the channel name is certainly necessary.
> A possible alternative is including that in the message itself, which I
> also quite like as an option because you more naturally end up with a nice
> symmetry of having the signature of the child routes match the signature of
> the parent.
>    def app(message, channels):
>         channel = message['channel']
>         if channel == 'http.request':
>            http_request(message, channels)
>         elif channel == 'websocket.connect':
>            websocket_connect(message, channels)
>         elif ...
> That's what I'm rolling with for the moment, but it's not something I'm
> necessarily wedded to.

I actually pondered this during the spec development (also considered
having a separate channel names dict inside, with the current name and
multiple reply names, e.g. "send" and "close"). Right now, I like the base
level interface as it is, because the ideological separation makes me
happier - you get out exactly what you put in, and there's no special
keyword to reserve - but the truth is that several of the backends actually
do this to support the process-local channels efficiently, so maybe it is
worth revisiting.

> I've done a bunch more work towards all this, so it'd worth checking out
> https://github.com/tomchristie/uvicorn in it's current state. That should
> make the interface style I'm considering more clear. (Focusing on asyncio
> there, but could equally present an equivalent-but-syncronous interface.)
I note that your examples do not include "receiving messages from a
WebSocket and sending replies" - I would love to see how you propose to
tackle this given your current API, and I think it's the missing piece of
what I understand.

> There are also now initial implementations for both WSGI-to-ASGI and
> ASGI-to-WSGI adapters.
There's a mostly-complete one in asgiref over here for WSGI-to-ASGI:

If you are feeling like it, I would love to have just one pair of canonical
adapters in the asgiref repo that everyone can use. The ASGI-to-WSGI
adapter can probably be written based on the callable pattern I described
at the top.


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