I've been thinking on and off about how to improve the autoreloader
implementation and I wanted to gather some feedback on potential solutions.

For some background, Django uses a fairly basic autoreload implementation
that simply polls the last modified time for loaded Python files once a
second. While this isn't the most efficient, it does work and has worked
quite well for a long time. When running manage.py runserver, the
autoreloader will launch a child "manage.py" with the same arguments and
this child process actually runs Django and serves requests. To reload, the
child process exits with exit code 3 and the parent restarts it. The code
is some of the oldest in Django, with a fair bit of it not touched in 9-12

While it works (and I'm a believer in "if it isn't broke don't fix it")
there are some architectural and performance issues with the current code:

- Polling every second is not very efficient
- Detecting when the child process has exited during startup (i.e problem
in settings.py) is problematic and the code is rather nasty
- i18n files are 'reloaded' when they change in a rather hacky way
(resetting private attributes in another module)
- There is limited support for extending the current implementation, and
there are cases during development where the parent autoreloader will

I don't want this email to be too long, so I'm going to summarize what I
think would be a good approach to tackling these problems.

1. Refactor the current implementation by removing `pyinotify`, redundant
python 2 checks and implement a 'file_changed' signal so other parts of
Django can react to file changes (i.e the i18n module can handle resetting
it's own state).
2. Add support for the "watchdog" library as a replacement for pyinotify.
Watchdog implements file system notifications for all major platforms using
a fairly simple API, so we can remove polling and have instant reloading.
Also support Watchman, a notification Daemon from Facebook.
3. Add support for more advanced features, like proper handing of startup
errors and socket sharing.

I've got a merge request that implements all three stages as a proof of
concept, but I think it's far too much a change to be done at once and
should be done carefully stage by stage. One and two are fairly simple to
implement, but three requires see careful consideration as to the best
approach (this message is long enough already, I don't want to describe
them here).

Does anyone have any feedback on these ideas? Is it worth persuing even if
the current implementation works ok-ish?

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