Hello Haki,

I think the optimizations you are suggesting and the way you've implemented 
make a lot of sense.

I left a few comments on your PR[0] regarding the template tag in charge of
rendering the date hierarchy header in the list view which could benefit 
the same optimization but except for that I think your patch is complete.


[0] https://github.com/django/django/pull/9469

Le samedi 16 décembre 2017 11:01:28 UTC-5, Haki Benita a écrit :
> Hey, I'm a new member to this group and I would like to suggest 
> implementing a custom filter for date_hiearchy. 
> The date_hierarchy filter is currently relying on the default filter 
> implementation by Django Admin.
> *I think we can use the heirarchical nature of the date hierarchy to 
> generate a better filter condition.*
> A URL generated by a the date hierarchy template tag might look like this:
> admin/app/model?created__year=2017&created__month=12&created__day=16
> The query generated by this URL will look like this (Postgresql):
> where created between '2017-01-01' and '2017-31-12' and extract('month', 
> created) == 12 and extract('day', created) == 16;
> The problem with this condition is that it *uses databse functions to 
> filter the date which makes it very difficult for the database to utilize 
> range based indexes (such as btree). *
> I'm sure many developers (me included) are adding btree indexes on the 
> date hierarchy field to support such queries but the generated filter 
> prevents the database from using them.
> There are solutions outside of Django for this problem such as function 
> based indexes but those come at a cost which can easily be avoided.
> Another approach from within Django is to simplify the condition in a way 
> that the database can *better utilize range indexes:*
> where created > '2017-12-16' and created < '2017-12-17';
> I wrote about this problem in this blog post 
> <https://codeburst.io/django-admin-range-based-date-hierarchy-37955b12ea4e> 
> and implemented the above as a SimpleListFilter 
> <https://github.com/hakib/django-admin-lightweight-date-hierarchy/blob/master/django_admin_lightweight_date_hierarchy/admin.py#L47>
> in this package. 
> <https://github.com/hakib/django-admin-lightweight-date-hierarchy>
> To implement the simplified condition within Django I suggest adding the 
> following to ChangeList:
> - Identify date_heirarchy fields using the following pattern: 
>  re.compile(*r'^{}__(day|month|year)$'.format(self.date_hierarchy_field*))
> - In ChangeList.get_filters 
> <https://github.com/django/django/blob/master/django/contrib/admin/views/main.py#L137>,
> after applying the custom ListFilters and before applying the "default" 
> filtering on what's left; if date_hierarchy is defined for the model, 
> Identify the filters, apply a range based filter 
> <https://github.com/hakib/django-admin-lightweight-date-hierarchy/blob/master/django_admin_lightweight_date_hierarchy/admin.py#L10>
> and remove the values from the parameter list.
> *Other considerations*
> - This change is backward compatible.
> - Will most likely improve performace of large list views with 
> date_heirarchy.
> - The custom filter is applied after the ListFilters so projects that 
> implemented their own filters on date hierarchy fields will not be effected.
> Please let me know what you think and if there are other things I haven't 
> considered.
> Haki Benita.

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