Hey Matthew,

I could see adding support for F('field')[0:5] being useful and more 
than using Left/Right/Substr. You should be able to assert the field is 
(e.g. an instance of CharField/TextField) in the expression returned by
F.__getitem__ (e.g. Left/Right/Substr) resolve_expression method.

Maybe having a F.__getitem__ return an intermediary Expression subclass
(e.g. FieldSlice) that resolves to the correct expression based on the type 
the sliced field and the nature of the slice in resolve_expression would 
better here.

I could see this having great benefit for usage with nested data structure 
such as contrib.postgres ArrayField (e.g F('array')[0:10]) and JSONField 
we would finally have a way to specify a key without colliding with the 
lookups (e.g. F('data')['exact'], F('data')['exact'][0:10]).

That might be bit too much for this ticket though and you might want to only
focus on adding Left/Right/Substr for now.


Le jeudi 18 janvier 2018 13:06:29 UTC-5, matthew.pava a écrit :
> Hi everyone,
> I’ve been working on ticket 28643 specifically adding Ord, Chr, Left, and 
> Right to Django’s built-in database functions.  I’ve done the PR #9583.  I 
> am a new contributor, and I’ve never really contributed code to any project 
> through pull requests ever before.  I appreciate your guidance.  The checks 
> have passed, and I’ve got a mess of commits that I’ve tried to squash a 
> couple of times but seem to stick around nonetheless.
> I also made a comment on the ticket that maybe instead of using Left, 
> Right, and Substr functions that we instead implement slicing on fields and 
> expressions to make things more pythonic (and deprecate Left, Right, and 
> Substr).  Would such an implementation need a new ticket?  And then would 
> we need to consider slicing all iterables instead of just only CharFields, 
> TextFields, and string expressions?
> Also, most of the functions in ticket 28643 that go across all supported 
> Django database backends are complete, with the exception of ROUND.  SQLite 
> does not come with many built-in math functions, though there are 
> extensions available.  I was wondering how we should proceed with that 
> ticket when ROUND is completed.
> Thank you!
> https://github.com/django/django/pull/9583
> https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/28643

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