Hello, I don't know if this was debated before, but I think the behavior of 
Collapsed fieldsets 
on Django Admin could confuse some devs. Here is the example:

Consider the django.contrib.auth.admin.UserAdmin.fieldsets 

If I add 'classes': ('collapse',) to field option

fieldsets = (
    # ...
    (_('Personal info'), {'classes': ('collapse',), 'fields': ('first_name', 
'last_name', 'email')}),
    # ...


As you can see the fieldset name is _('Personal info'), so everything is as 
expected *Personal Info (Show)*. 

But I can create fieldsets without fieldset name, like this:

= (
    (None, {'classes': ('collapse',), 'fields': ('first_name', 'last_name', 

And the result would be:


Almost the same, but if you look here 
you'll see Django won't render the *h2 block* if there's no *fieldset.name*, 
and if you look here 
this javascript code looks for the *h2* tag to add the "Show" link to 
collapsed fieldsets.

So that's it, If someone creates a collapsible fieldset without fieldset 
name, Django just doesn't show the fieldset at all.

It's not something difficult to fix, but I would like to hear from you guys.

* If you agree that it needs to be fixed, just showing the *(Show)* link, 
would suffice?

* Or warn the user about using collapse class without a fieldset name?

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