Week ending February 24, 2018



https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/29142 - OuterRef not being treated as 
an F Expression (accepted)

https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/29147 - Postgres JSONField missing 
to_python (invalid)

https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/29145 - Allow CIText values to be 
compared as the database would compare them (case-insensitively) (accepted)

https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/29133 - call_command() fails if a 
required option is passed in via **options (accepted)

https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/29152 - Allow more control over 
ArgumentParser initialization in management commands (accepted)

https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/29155 - Using contains lookup with 
Substr causes modification of second parameter of Substr (accepted)

https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/29151 - Aliasing pgettext_lazy makes 
it work unexpected (invalid)

https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/29153 - Ease customizing the label 
attrs on a model form field (wontfix)

https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/29160 - ModelForm doesn't parse 
foreign keys in initial= kwarg. (invalid)



https://github.com/django/django/pull/9724 - Removed using argument from 
admin's get_deleted_objects().

https://github.com/django/django/pull/9728 - Fixed #29161 -- Removed 
BCryptPasswordHasher from PASSWORD_HASHERS.



https://github.com/django/django/pull/9707 - Fixed #29140 -- Fixed 
EmailMessage crash when body is None.

https://github.com/django/django/pull/9583 - Refs #28643 -- Added Ord, Chr, 
Left, and Right database functions.

https://github.com/django/django/pull/9723 - Fixed #29154 -- Corrected 
examples in pluralize template filter docstring and added tests.

https://github.com/django/django/pull/8682 - Fixed #27449 -- Added 

https://github.com/django/django/pull/9145 - Fixed #28635 -- Fixed admin's 
preserved filters if the URL contains non-ASCII characters.

https://github.com/django/django/pull/8267 - Fixed #17962 -- Added 

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