> Do we think async is worth going after?

I think this is hugely important. Django's advantage in the field currently 
is in it's developer productivity and maintainability. As frameworks based 
on Node or on languages with co-operative concurrency built-in continue to 
mature it's going to face more of a squeeze there, while being less 
resource efficient than many alternatives.

Although performance characteristics are often over-stated or over-valued, 
it's still a substantive point against a team choosing Django in some 
circumstances. It's particularly relevant in super successful high-scale 
cases, and I want Django to continue to be a great choice both for single 
person building out an MVP on a couple of instances, all the way up to 
large teams working on massive systems, with many running services.

If we don't attempt to tackle this I think we may end up very slowly 
starting to write Django out as a contender for some teams.

> Can we do this in a reasonable timeframe? If not, is there a way around 

I can't speak to the ORM work, as I don't know the internals well enough, 
but I think how everything else is proposed makes sense. The minimal first 
step, of tackling the request/response path is already potentially valuable 
for any teams that include an API gateway as one of their services - being 
able to have a Django-based app that can make non-blocking requests out to 
other services would immediately benefit a decent chunk of real-world use 

> How should we fund this?

It's a pretty serious amount of funding you'd want to see, so I guess 
ideally not as a single backer.
A joint combination of Mozilla's MOSS program, PSF grant, and corporate 
sponsorships all orchestrated together? (Waves hands magically)
Wrt. corporate sponsorships I think we might well want to set realistic 
expectations about how much developer time money actually buys, and a set a 
decently high minimum tier. What I think works especially well is tying in 
contributions, so. eg. an agreed-in-principle grant that's conditional on 
also achieving a certain amount of corporate sponsorships might be a great 
motivator for companies to make a shared, collaborative investment. ??

Thanks Andrew - *really* exciting proposal.

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