I opened a ticket for it here --> 

On Friday, July 20, 2018 at 3:27:33 PM UTC-6, Kimball Leavitt wrote:
> Note: I posted this on django-users 
> <https://groups.google.com/forum/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer#!msg/django-users/-ZJ3Fwt6JIs/9D0HCkr8BQAJ>
>  and 
> was told to come here.
> I'm not sure if this is a bug, feature request, or something else.
> Summary: *python manage.py inspectdb* makes all fields with a default 
> value *blank=True, null=True*
> I'm using:
>    - Ubuntu 16.04
>    - Python 3.7.0
>    - Django 2.0.4
>    - Mariadb 10.2.16
> Before I get into this, I realize that
>    - "Django is best suited for developing new applications"
>    - This probably isn't a huge deal or a high priority
> ...BUT I figured I'd submit this anyway while I was thinking about it. 
> Maybe it'll save someone some extra work down the line.
> Steps to reproduce:
>    - Setup a legacy db in *settings.py* (see 
>    https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.0/howto/legacy-databases/)
>       - Prerequisite: you have a column in one of your tables that has a 
>       default value.
>       - Example: *test_field int(11) *DEFAULT 1
>       - Run *python manage.py inspectdb [--database DATABASE_NAME  [ 
>    TABLE ] ] > models.py*
>    - Open *models.py*
>       - If you don't include *> models.py* you can see the output from 
>       the commandline
>    - *test_field* will look something like this:
>       - *test_field* = models.IntegerField(*blank=True, null=True*)
>       - What I would expect:
>       - *test_field* = models.IntegerField(*default=1*)
> What I've been able to dig up:
> # from inspectdb.py 
> <https://github.com/django/django/blob/master/django/core/management/commands/inspectdb.py#L144>
>  (line 
> 144, comments included in the original file)
> *142  # Add 'null' and 'blank', if the 'null_ok' flag was present in the*
> *143  # table description.*
> *144  if row[6]:  # If it's NULL...*
> *145      extra_params['blank'] = True*
> *146      extra_params['null'] = True*
> # from introspection.py 
> <https://github.com/django/django/blob/master/django/db/backends/mysql/introspection.py#L95+info.column_default>
>  in *get_field_description *(line 95, comment is mine)
> *86  fields = []*
> *87  for line in cursor.description:*
> *88         info = field_info[line[0]]*
> *89         fields.append(FieldInfo(*
> *90               *line[:3],*
> *91**              to_int(info.max_len) or line[3],*
> *92              to_int(info.num_prec) or line[4],*
> *93              to_int(info.num_scale) or line[5],*
> *94              line[6],*
> *95              info.column_default, # THIS LINE IS JUST WHATEVER THE 
> *96              info.extra,*
> *97              info.is_unsigned,*
> *98          ))*
> *99  return fields*
> I'm sure there are a lot of things I don't understand about this, but I 
> don't think that having a default value should automatically add *blank=True, 
> null=True. *
> *Is having a default value really a "'null_ok' flag"?*
> I think it should only put *blank=True, null=True* if the default is set 
> to *NULL* in the column. Otherwise, it should set the default to whatever 
> the default value is (ex: *default=1*)
> Caveat: I've only tested this with int fields.

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