Hey James,

Thank you for the resources you provided. I really learned a lot. Here are a 
few points (references/details at the very bottom):

1) Blacklisting: Seems to be most effective, I agree. However, Django does not 
seem to be up to date on this either. The list of 1000 most common password it 
uses seem to be taken from an URL which is not available anymore, and the page 
it redirects to is dated 2011! So the list is at least around 10 years old, and 
it does not catch all of top 25 words listed on Wikipedia. Samples of passwords 
it allows: qwertyuiop, 987654321, 1234567890, abcdefgh

2) Are Complexity Requirements Deprecated?: I checked changing my password for 
3 major tech companies: Gmail, Microsoft account, and for my Apple Id. Only 
Gmail did not require password complexity. So, most do require password 
complexity although they do have 2-factor authentication in place. Most Django 
deployments, more than 95% I assume, would not have 2-factor authentication, so 
password complexity is more needed. 

3) Do Complexity Requirements Work?: 
a) Research: From the resources you linked, I read one article (ref’ed below). 
Here are key findings: 
i. A complex 8-character password had entropy of 34.3 where as a basic 
8-character one had 29.43 (calculated with the specific method mentioned in the 
article). Not a huge difference, however not too bad either, that is about 17% 
ii. 188/972 (=20%) of the basic-8 passwords was cracked (with the tool 
mentioned in the article), whereas this number is 0 (zero) for the complex-8 
group. A big difference there. 
iii. About 15% of the basic group wrote down their passwords, either 
electronically or paper and pencil, where as this number is about 27% for the 
complex. Simpler passwords is the winner here, however one should not forget, 
written passwords are expected have their own protection (of some sort). 
Another thing to consider is that, if one is targeted individually, a written 
password might be a big vulnerability; however, for general account/password 
screenings this may not be as bad. 
All in all, I say, password complexity has benefits; although not as much as 
one would expect. 

b) Complexity and Blacklisting Can Interoperate: For the simple case of 
“Password1!” mentioned below, the best method to tackle, I think, would be 1) 
remove the numbers and characters at the end 2) lowercase the first character 
3) lookup in the black list. In other words, tackle the thinking pattern 
algorithmically, not by listing cases in a text file.  

c) Complexity support blacklisting: Check this list of common passwords, for 
 (provided by the Author of the Django’s list of common passwords). Most items 
there are either all lowercase or all numbers etc. By just requiring 1 upper 
case character, one could know off 60% off them. Adding a number, and a symbol 
requirement would easily bring that up to 95%.. Sure, those who are committed 
to not password protecting their accounts would find something in the remaining 
5% (as in the example of “Password1!”), howerver, policies would be made for 
the mainstream, not for the extremes. 

Bottom line; I think password complexity do have some benefits, and inclusion 
in Django would provide options, and save time to those who would like to use 
them. Regards,



1) URL referenced in Django for the list of 1000 most common passwords : 
(location: django\contrib\auth\password_validation.py)
Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_the_most_common_passwords

2) G-Mail: Use at least 8 characters. Don’t use a password from another site, 
or something too obvious like your pet’s name.
Microsoft Account: Strong passwords contain at least 8 characters, do not 
include common words or names, and combine uppercase letters, lowercase 
letters, numbers, and symbols.
Apple Id: Your password must have: i) 8 or more characters ii) Upper & 
lowercase letters iii) At least one number

3) a) Article: Of Passwords and People: Measuring the Effect of 
Password-Composition Policies 
(https://www.archive.ece.cmu.edu/~lbauer/papers/2011/chi2011-passwords.pdf). I 
picked this article since its name suggested it is very related to our topic, 
and that CMU is a reputable university. 

From: James Bennett
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2018 10:32 PM
To: django-developers@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: New Password Validators

This type of enforced "complexity" does not increase security, and relevant 
standards groups now recommend not trying to enforce these rules.

Quoting US NIST 800-63B, Appendix A:

> As noted above, composition rules are commonly used in an attempt to increase 
>the difficulty of guessing user-chosen passwords. Research has shown, however, 
>that users respond in very predictable ways to the requirements imposed by 
>composition rules [Policies]. For example, a user that might have chosen 
>“password” as their password would be relatively likely to choose “Password1” 
>if required to include an uppercase letter and a number, or “Password1!” if a 
>symbol is also required.

The NIST guidelines now say (800-63B §

> Memorized secrets SHALL be at least 8 characters in length if chosen by the 
>subscriber. Memorized secrets chosen randomly by the CSP or verifier SHALL be 
>at least 6 characters in length and MAY be entirely numeric. If the CSP or 
>verifier disallows a chosen memorized secret based on its appearance on a 
>blacklist of compromised values, the subscriber SHALL be required to choose a 
>different memorized secret. No other complexity requirements for memorized 
>secrets SHOULD be imposed.

I would be against adding validators to Django to try to enforce these 
deprecated practices.
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