
I've also seen this behaviour before at YPlan, we sometimes got the "mysql
can't join more than 61 tables" error or had the database slow to a crawl.
Some of the admin classes required custom get_search_results functions to
fix this.

I have only skimmed the old tickets and PR's but I think that a breaking
change to subtly changing the search behaviour is worth it to prevent this
footgun of doom is a good compromise.


On Tue, 5 Mar 2019 at 19:35, Joel M <cuthalion...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I don't know whether anyone will see this, as it's my first time posting
> here, but I have to second this.
> This problem brought down our site yesterday when an unsuspecting admin
> user tried a 3-word search in an admin that had several search fields
> involving joins. The result was that the number of joins was multiplied by
> the number of search terms. The database machine literally ran out of space
> making the temporary table (it had been about 10% full -- this query
> occupied many times the size of the entire database), and crashed
> everything. It works fine with just 1 word. As a workaround, we blocked
> nonessential users from being able to make that search and will be removing
> less-important fields from the search_fields in a future code update. But
> it took awhile to figure out what the problem was, and this could happen in
> any admin with enough related search fields or search terms. Eventually, I
> came up with the same fix petros suggests in their PR.
> I know there may be users who expect the previous query behavior, but this
> is a gotcha that can hide for awhile before somebody accidentally breaks
> everything.
> More related tickets: https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/16063 (with a
> similar solution), https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/27864 (mitigate
> by limiting number of search terms)
> On Friday, September 23, 2016 at 1:49:14 PM UTC-4, petros.m...@gmail.com
> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I would like to open a discussion on the change I have proposed with pull
>> request #7277 <https://github.com/django/django/pull/7277>.
>> To bring the discussion here, the problem with current implementation of
>> get_search_results() is that, when search fields include fields through
>> reverse relationships, it produces queries that the more words are used in
>> the search term the more inefficient they are. This inefficiency comes from
>> duplicate left joins with same tables which are in that case introduced by
>> Django ORM. There have been relevant reports by others before, which you
>> can see in tickets #16603 <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/16603>
>>  and #25789 <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/25789>. However,
>> judging by the fact that for five years there has not been a solution for
>> this, it seems that it is not an easy fix.
>> That said, this inefficiency can easily get the system down, as users in
>> the admin can use a few words in the search term, either deliberately or by
>> mistake, e.g. by accidentally copying & pasting a whole sentence or
>> paragraph. In my case, with just 3 words in the search term and 4 tables
>> involved in the search (with their size being in the range of 1500 to 4000
>> rows), the query had been running for 25 minutes before I actually killed
>> it on the database server. Evenmore, the impact of that inefficiency can be
>> easily multiplied as users are not that patient and tend to repeat the
>> search again and again when they see that they are not getting results fast
>> enough.
>> So, I wrote a small patch which changes the way the query is built and,
>> happily, the problem is gone. However, as Simon Charette has pointed out in
>> the pull request's discussion, there is the corner case scenario in which
>> some results may not be returned.
>> I am quoting his exact words:
>> Keep in mind that filter(or_queries[0] & or_queries[1] & ... &
>>> or_queries[n]) can generate different results from
>>> filter(or_queries[0]).filter(or_queries[1]).filter(...).filter(or_queries[n])
>>> if any of filters spans multi-valued relationships.
>>> For example, given models Book and Author and a AuthorAmin searching
>>> both books__title and books__description your solution could filter out
>>> results that use to be displayed as search terms will have to be present in
>>> both Book.title and Book.description to match.
>> So, the question is whether that behavior is absolutely necessary for
>> searches in the admin. I personally believe that the compromise is small
>> enough and the benefit is really great. We are eliminating a possibility
>> for our normal users to cause a denial of service through a simple search
>> in the admin, with just a little compromise on the powerfulness of the
>> search function. What are your thoughts?
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