Hello everyone,

The resolution of https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/30241 in
introduced a new and in my opinion backwards incompatible requirement
through the system checks framework.

Previously*, overriding LANGUAGES to restrict the list of available
languages on a Django site worked. Now it's also necessary to override
LANGUAGES_BIDI because there is a new system check (translation.E005) which
verifies that there are no language codes in LANGUAGES_BIDI not in
LANGUAGES as well.

It is my strong opinion that enforcing this does not provide any benefits
and has the downside of forcing almost everyone who overrides LANGUAGES to
now add a new setting to their project to override LANGUAGES_BIDI as well
with unclear benefits.

Strictness is a good thing, but since LANGUAGES_BIDI is only ever used for
membership checking (and never iterated over) I don't see the problem in
keeping the default language codes from django/conf/global_settings.py in
there even though some of those languages may not be available on a given
installation anyway.

The report in https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/30342 was closed as
wontfix that's why I'm writing to the list. Also, since system checks
generally aren't mentioned in the release notes users will not be informed
ahead of time about this change when reading the release notes.

Anyone has any opinions to offer on this?


* At least as long as I'm using Django, probably for 11 years or something.

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