Just a quick note: issues that have an owner but weren’t updated in a
reasonably long time are usually open for taking. It is probably polite to
ask the owner first, because maybe they just resumed working on the issue
yesterday :) What is “reasonably long time” is probably open to
interpretation, but I’d say anything that is counted in years has to be
fair game.

I’m wondering if it would make sense to have such tickets automatically

On Thu, Feb 6, 2020 at 1:41 AM Vibhu Agarwal <vibhu4agar...@gmail.com>

> Hi! I'm Vibhu, currently an undergraduate.
> I've been working with Django for over a year now.
> And for a long time, I've been wanting to contribute to Django as well.
> So I followed a few links shared repeatedly in the mailing list, like:
> -
> https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.0/internals/contributing/new-contributors/
> - https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/internals/contributing/
> Through those, I followed other links and thoroughly read the guides like:
> "Reporting bugs and requesting features", "Triaging tickets", "Submitting
> patches" and "Writing your first patch for Django"
> I even tried to get familiar with the process through #31222
> <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/31222> and #31226
> <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/31226> and looked through some
> closed PRs as well.
> Then I tried to find 'easy pickings' which are directly related to the
> codebase, but I couldn't find any which is new or un-assigned.
> I just need to get started with understanding the codebase and its
> structure.
> If anyone could help me look for an issue which involves writing tests or
> changing code in any way, it would be great.
> Any beginner-friendly issue will do.
> --
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