request.GET and request.POST are misleadingly named:

   - GET contains the URL parameters and is therefore available whatever
   the request method. This often confuses beginners and “returners” alike.
   - POST contains form data on POST requests, but not other kinds of data
   from POST requests. It can confuse users who are posting JSON or other

Additionally both names can lead users to think e.g. "if request.GET:"
means "if this is a GET request", which is not true.

I believe the CAPITALIZED naming style was inherited from PHP's global
variables $_GET, $_POST, $_FILES etc. ( ). It stands out
as unpythonic, since these are instance variables and not module-level
constants (as per PEP8

I therefore propose these renames:

   - request.GET -> request.query_params (to match Django Rest Framework -
   see below)
   - request.POST -> request.form_data
   - request.FILES -> request.files
   - request.COOKIES -> request.cookies
   - request.META -> request.meta

Since these are very core attributes and the change would cause a huge
amount of churn, I propose not deprecating the old aliases immediately, but
leaving them in with a documentation note that they "may be deprecated."
Perhaps they can be like url() or ifequal which came up on the mailing list
recently - put through the normal deprecation path after a few releases
with such a note.

Django Rest Framework already aliases GET as request.query_params in its
request wrapper: .
Therefore the name request.query_params should not be surprising. DRF also
provides which combines request.POST and request.FILES, and
flexibly parses from different content types, but I'm not sure that's
feasible to implement in Django core.

For reference, other Python web frameworks have more "Pythonic" naming:

   - Bottle: request.url_args, request.forms, request.files,
   request.cookies, request.environ
   - Flask: request.args, request.form, request.files, request.cookies,
   - Starlette: request.query_params, request.form(),
   request.form()[field_name], request.cookies, scope

One more note for those who might think such core attributes should be left
alone: Django 2.2 added request.headers as a way of accessing headers by
name. This is convenient as it avoids the need to transform the header to
the WSGI environ name. makes the code more readable, and in the process
reduces the potential for bugs. I believe this proposal is in the same vein.

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