Hi folks,

I recently ran into an issue around the SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN and 
CSRF_COOKIE_DOMAIN settings that seems like it could be fixable by adding 
some extensibility.

Before submitting a patch/PR, I wanted to get the community's opinion on 
whether this is worth addressing in the framework, or if it's adding 
complexity for an audience of ~1.

The issue is that I needed to set SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN and 
CSRF_COOKIE_DOMAIN to a different value depending on the request's Host 

For example, imagine the same Django app serving two domains with two 
subdomains, e.g.:

  www.example.com and api.example.com
  www.example2.com and api.example2.com

For each request to *.example.com, I want to set SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN and 
CSRF_COOKIE_DOMAIN to 'example.com', and vice-versa for requests to 

As it stands, if I set SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN and CSRF_COOKIE_DOMAIN to None 
(the default behavior), the cookie domain will be the full request host - 
so api.example.com won't see cookies from www.example.com, and vice-versa. 
Thus, if I want cross-domain cookies, I need to set 
[SESSION|CSRF]_COOKIE_DOMAIN to e.g. 'example.com' so that it's sent for 
both domains.

Right now, the only way to do that is by overriding CsrfViewMiddleware and 
SessionMiddleware almost wholesale, because the references to 
middlewares' process_request/process_response methods.

I propose that this could be addressed by adding an e.g. 
'get_cookie_domain' method to CsrfViewMiddleware and SessionMiddleware, 
which projects could override to get the sort of custom behavior I'm trying 
to enable here (the default would of course be to return the setting, as it 
does now).

I've considered and dismissed some alternative approaches - this seems like 
the cleanest way of accomplishing this without introducing a ton of new 

I recognize that CSRF and session behavior is particularly fraught with 
security implications, so I wanted to throw this out to the community and 
see if there were any strong feelings one way or another before moving 
forward with a PR.


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