To answer my own question: No, I wasn't doing it correctly. I should have
done a sanity check before posting.

New timeit code and results at bottom, now using a smaller dataset (~900


   - An .exists() query is about 1/100 the time of full fetch in this case.
   This difference would ofc be much bigger if I did it on the 100 000+
   - If already prefetched, it should be worth it to search prefetched data
   if the dataset is <700 objects. It seems rare to prefetch that many
   objects. If so, a developer could easily be explicit and use .exists()

*Based on this exact scenario: 100 times slower for using obj in
queryset is quite a performance hit. On the other hand, an extra 1 % query
time for a queryset that is later evaluated is marginal.*

If a developer knows they want to evaluate the queryset later, it would be
nice to have a .evaluate() that does self._fetch_all() and returns self. I
think that's preferable over list(queryset)-method, because we don't need
to create an extra list.

# Old explicit fetch method
queryset = Stuff.objects.all()
if obj in list(queryset):

# My suggestion
queryset = Stuff.objects.all().evaluate()
if obj in queryset:

Updated timeit function and results:

import timeit

def time_fn(title, stmt, number=10_000):
    setup = [
        'from movies.models import Movie',
        'obj_first = qs.first()',
        'obj_mid = qs[300]',
        'obj_last = qs.last()',
    result_time = timeit.timeit(stmt, setup='\n'.join(setup), number=number)
    print(f'{title}: {result_time}')

time_fn('Database fetch', 'qs._result_cache=None\nlist(qs)')
time_fn('Prefetched obj_first in qs', 'obj_first in qs')
time_fn('Prefetched obj_mid in qs', 'obj_mid in qs')
time_fn('Prefetched obj_last in qs', 'obj_last in qs')
time_fn('Database obj_first exists()', 'qs.filter(
time_fn('Database obj_mid exists()', 'qs.filter(')
time_fn('Database obj_last exists()', 'qs.filter(')

# Results

Database fetch: 616.097227364
Prefetched obj_first in qs: 0.030961711003328674
Prefetched obj_mid in qs: 6.6988333979970776
Prefetched obj_last in qs: 24.189914419999695
Database obj_first exists(): 6.468764332996216
Database obj_mid exists(): 6.167532913001196
Database obj_last exists(): 6.0190791100030765

Le mer. 3 juin 2020 à 10:52, Johan Schiff <> a écrit :

> Thanks for great info.
> First, I'm leaning towards Aymeric's proposition here. I do recognize that
> there is a lot to consider.
> This seems to be important:
>    1. Developers must be able to explicitly choose methods to optimize
>    for their environment. (Considering database latency, dataset size,
>    prefetch preferred, etc.)
>    2. Behaviour should preferably be consistent across methods. (len(qs),
>    bool(qs), obj in qs)
>    3. Syntax should be pythonic.
> I think what Aymeric is proposing would fulfill those demands.
> I have done some timeit-tests on a model with 100 000+ records, based on
> Rogers work, on a single host setup using postgresql. My finding is that a
> separate database query is generally faster than current *obj in qs* 
> behaviour,
> even on a prefetched queryset (unless your dataset is really small). This
> tells me that we should prioritize .exists() query unless explicitly stated
> (i.e. *obj in iter(qs)*), even when we have prefetched data. For len(qs)
> and bool(qs) that should not be the case.
> It would be interesting to get timings from other setups, so I'm including
> the code I used. (Also, am I doing this correctly?)
> import timeit
> def time_fn(title, stmt, number=10000, prefetch=False):
>     setup = [
>         'from tickets.models import Ticket',
>         'qs=Ticket.objects.all()',
>         'obj_first = qs.first()',
>         'obj_mid = qs[50000]',
>         'obj_last = qs.last()',
>     ]
>     if prefetch:
>         setup.append('list(qs)')
>     result_time = timeit.timeit(stmt, setup='\n'.join(setup),
> number=number)
>     print(f'{title}: {result_time}')
> time_fn('Database fetch', 'list(qs)')
> time_fn('Prefetched obj_first in qs', 'obj_first in qs', prefetch=True)
> time_fn('Prefetched obj_mid in qs', 'obj_mid in qs', prefetch=True)
> time_fn('Prefetched obj_last in qs', 'obj_last in qs', prefetch=True)
> time_fn('Database obj_first exists()', 'qs.filter(
> ).exists()')
> time_fn('Database obj_mid exists()', 'qs.filter(')
> time_fn('Database obj_last exists()', 'qs.filter(
> ).exists()')
> My results:
> Database fetch: 25.667968138001015
> Prefetched obj_first in qs: 0.027538340998944477
> Prefetched obj_mid in qs: 1051.1691511649988
> Prefetched obj_last in qs: 2369.5217889660016
> Database obj_first exists(): 6.442390248001175
> Database obj_mid exists(): 6.213641551999899
> Database obj_last exists(): 5.831252460000542
> Le mar. 2 juin 2020 à 23:15, Roger Gammans <>
> a écrit :
>> On Tue, 2020-06-02 at 11:31 -0700, Javier Buzzi wrote:
>> ps @roger
>> >>> timeit.timeit('m.GL.objects.filter(', setup='import
>> myapp.models as m;x = m.GL.objects.all()[324]', number=100)
>> 0.05818330496549606
>> is not doing anything, add a `.exists()` or `len(..)` or something to 
>> evaluate the queryset. That number is WAY too low.
>> Yes, of course. That makes me feel silly, on both counts - the
>> evaluations and the number of iterations. I made number of iterations
>> low;because I started with a test which a single iteration was taking
>> multiple seconds and it that case the default number was way to high for
>> the quick test I was offering. More critically the x in qs; depends on
>> where in the qs the object is and it doesn't matter how big if you only
>> look at the beginning.
>> I reran it; but which shows different results.. See the following re run.
>> Construction here is more complicated to show avg microsecs; per iteration,
>> note the vary iteration lengths, actual runtime was aimed to be between
>> 20secs and a minute or so.
>> >>> # Searching for first in queryset
>> >>> n=10_000_000 ;timeit.timeit('x in qs', setup='import myapp.models as 
>> >>> m;qs = m.GL.objects.all(); qs2=qs;i=len(qs2);x=qs[0]', 
>> >>> number=n)/(n/1_000_000)
>> 0.4136358265765011
>> >>> n = 100_000 ; timeit.timeit('m.GL.objects.filter(', 
>> >>> setup='import myapp.models as m;x = list(m.GL.objects.all())[0]',  
>> >>> number=n)/(n/1_000_000)
>> 124.99445254914463
>> >>> # Searching for last in queryset.
>> >>> n=1000; timeit.timeit('x in qs', setup='import myapp.models as m;qs = 
>> >>> m.GL.objects.all(); qs2=qs;i=len(qs2);x=qs[i-1]', number=n)/(n/1_000_000)
>> 50741.098549216986
>> >>> n = 100_000 ; timeit.timeit('m.GL.objects.filter(', 
>> >>> setup='import myapp.models as m;x = list(m.GL.objects.all())[-1]',  
>> >>> number=n)/(n/1_000_000)
>> 118.99649207945913
>> --
>> Roger Gammans <>
>> --
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> --
> Vänligen, Johan Schiff
> Radkompaniet AB
> 072-229 61 19

Vänligen, Johan Schiff
Radkompaniet AB
072-229 61 19

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