Models and URLSs (kind of) are namespaced by the *app_label*.
I am making a Django CSS app to open source, and it requires settings. For 
now I am just going to copy DRF and use a dict to avoid collisions.

What if in ** we could do something like this (where one has an 
app with an app_label of 'foo'):
   'POGO_STICKS': 5,
   'MORE_SETTINGS': [1,2,3],

or (what I think is better) use class based approach:
# Here DjangoAppSettings is just a subclass of maybe a dataclass, to use in 
isintance tests to find the settings (like how TestCase's are found).
   MORE_SETTINGS = [1,2,3]

Then in the app that consumes the settings, maybe do something like this 
(or something different):
from django.conf import settings

And it would return *FooSettings*
I have not given it much thought, but its just concept I am proposing, not 
the exact implementation.

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