I would like to provide an example of why this field is needed.
In PostgreSQL, a floating point literal like 4.6 has type decimal, not 
binary floating point (see SELECT pg_typeof(4.6)).
When comparing binary floating point values to decimals, the decimal is 
converted to double precision binary floating point value. This make 
FloatField work.
But if you have real/float4 fields and you compare them to decimal value, 
it doesn't work.
Here is an example, with a workaround.

in bar/models.py

from django.db import models
from django.db.models import FloatField

class RealField(FloatField):
    def db_type(self, connection):
        return 'real'

class Thing(models.Model):
    score = RealField(null=False)

and now in shell:

from django.db.models import Value
from django.db.models.functions import Cast
from bar.models import RealField, Thing




SELECT "bar_thing"."id", "bar_thing"."score" FROM "bar_thing" WHERE 
"bar_thing"."score" = 4.6

Thing.objects.filter(score=Cast(Value(4.6), RealField())).first()
<Thing: Thing object (1)>

str(Thing.objects.filter(score=Cast(Value(4.6), RealField())).query)
SELECT "bar_thing"."id", "bar_thing"."score" FROM "bar_thing" WHERE 
"bar_thing"."score" = (4.6)::real

Can Django have a RealField that automatically does the cast?


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