Hello all!

I noticed that when calling contrib.auth.forms.UserCreationForm.save(), 
self.save_m2m() is not called when commit=True.

This caused an issue in one of my projects which uses a custom User model 
with ManyToMany fields. Is this something that should be changed? I saw in 
the docs [1] that it is advised to extend UserCreationForm and 
UserChangeForm if using a custom User model.

A few reasons I see to add this step to the UserCreationForm.save() method:

   - UserCreationForm is a subclass of ModelForm, which does call 
   save_m2m() when commit=True.
   - UserChangeForm *does* call save_m2m() as part of save(), because the 
   save() method is not overloaded. This seems inconsistent!

The solution I'd propose is:

class UserCreationForm(forms.ModelForm):
    def save(self, commit=True):
        user = super().save(commit=False)
        if commit:
*            if hasattr(self, "save_m2m"):*
*                self.save_m2m()*
        return user

I'd be happy to raise a ticket and work on a patch if this change would be 



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