Thanks for this!  Agree with your points and would be happy to add that 
documentation to the PR

On your point about accessing `_meta` in `__init_subclass__`:  in the 
interest of avoiding overcomplication I didn't bring it up in issue #34555, 
but now that the cat is out of the bag...  :)

I separately wrote a further change and initial unittests that would allow 
`_meta` to be added/modified in `__init_subclass__` - please see diff 
(relative to changes proposed for #34555) here:

My plan was/is to submit this as a separate issue/PR if the changes in 
#34555 get the green light.

Some notes on implementation:
- I could not figure out how to change `ModelBase.__new__` to call 
`super().__new__` and set the `_meta` attr such that `__init_subclass__` 
could access the `_meta` attribute **without** breaking existing 
unittests.  Maybe someone more familiar with it than me can figure it out 
though I think this is mainly a design feature of current implementation
- instead, I tweaked `ModelBase.__new__` to pass a kwarg `cls_meta` to 
super().__new__` which is absorbed by `AltersData.__init_subclass__`.  
Probably a new (otherwise blank) method `ModelBase.__init_subclass__` would 
be a better place to absorb the new `cls_meta` kwarg instead.  
- with this approach you can see in the unittests that if a user wants to 
add/edit `_meta` in their implementation of `__init_subclass__` some extra 
setup is needed to create a blank `_meta` if one is not present.  Probably 
this boilerplate should go in a classmethod or as preparatory stuff in 

I think this change is also fairly unobtrusive, except that existing 
packages/users that make use of `__init_subclass__` would have to take care 
to pass through to `super().__init_subclass__` the new `cls_meta` kwarg so 
that it is available in a multiple inheritance scenario.  

Either way, you are right that `__init_subclass__` will not have access to 
model fields defined in the "usual" way (unless a similar approach of 
passing them as a kwarg is used), which will probably be surprising


On Tuesday, May 16, 2023 at 7:17:19 PM UTC+1 charettes wrote:

> Just wanted to publicly +1 here as well. I was skeptical that we could add 
> support for it without invasive changes at first but it seems to be 
> relatively straightforward to support.
> One ask I would add is that we explicitly document what is support and 
> what isn't. For example, at the time `__init_subclass__` is called one 
> should not expect `_meta` or any other subclass fields to be available and 
> that even when calling `super().__init_subclass__`. That might come as a 
> surprise to users that want to do anything to a trivial field addition 
> (e.g. perform model introspection). For non-trivial use cases a 
> class_prepared signal seems like it's still the best way to run code once 
> the class is fully initialized.
> Changing these expectations could be done by moving most of the 
> ModelBase.__new__ logic to Model.__init_subclass__ but this would require a 
> massive re-enginering of meta programming logic that is remain unchanged 
> for years.
> Le vendredi 12 mai 2023 à 09:38:04 UTC-4, Adam Johnson a écrit :
>> +1 from me. As Simon covered on the ticket, the change is small. Making 
>> Django classes support __init_subclass__ might unlock some nice dynamic 
>> field patterns.
>> On Thu, May 11, 2023 at 12:47 PM hottwaj <> wrote:
>>> Hi there, I opened the above ticket and submitted a PR with fix and test 
>>> added.  I was asked to bring the issue here for wider review before the 
>>> ticket is re-opened (if that is what people agree to do)
>>> For reference, links to the ticket and PR are:
>>> The issue raised is that current implementation of ModelBase.__new__ 
>>> prevents use of __init_subclass__ on a Model to add model fields
>>> e.g. the code listed at the end of this email does not currently work 
>>> (the PR fixes this).  
>>> Currently the same result could be achieved by i) writing a new 
>>> metaclass e.g. BaseBookModelMeta or ii) using a class decorator where 
>>> cls.add_to_class(field) is called.  
>>> Using __init_subclass__ is advised as a simpler alternative to writing a 
>>> metaclass to customise class creation, hence this PR.
>>> Hope that makes sense and appreciate any feedback.  Thanks!
>>> class BaseBookModel(models.Model):
>>>     class Meta:
>>>         abstract = True
>>>     def __init_subclass__(cls, author_cls, **kwargs):
>>>         super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs)
>>> = models.ForeignKey(author_cls, 
>>> on_delete=models.CASCADE)
>>> class Author(models.Model):
>>>     name = models.CharField(max_length=256, unique=True)
>>> class Book(BaseBookModel, author_cls=Author):
>>>     pass
>>> -- 
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