Thanks for proposing your help.
Please take care to keep as most as possible the chosen terminology. You
can search in the translation memory in that purpose when you have
doubts (button top right).



Le 06.02.20 à 14:48, Adrien Horgnies a écrit :
> Hi,
> I found a mistake in the French localization while reading. I intend to
> continue reading documentation and may find and fix mistakes along the way.
> I'm a web developer with about three years of experience. Out of these
> three years, two years and a half were in a company specialized in
> online language learning, with more than 30 interface languages
> available and more than 20 learning languages. We didn't use the same
> technology stack as Django but it may be relevant, who knows.
> Regards,
> Adrien Horgnies

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