
We have an ecommerce site built on Oscar 1.5. The site is based in India 
and we have to follow the tax policies here. During checkout process, one 
of the policies is to calculate tax on line price inclusive of discount 
voucher/coupon. I am at a loss how to handle this. The strategy 
fetch_for_line just returns the fetch_for_product on the line product. 
There is no consideration of the discount coupon applied. For example, if 
the line product price excl tax is INR 100 and discount coupon applied is 
of 10%. Then the tax should be calculated on INR 90 and not on INR 100. 
It's tough to modify the fetch_for_line as that's used by the line to 
calculate unit prices and also the discount. 

It would be really helpful if anyone could guide me how to implement the 


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