On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 6:02 PM, Xavier Ordoquy <xordo...@linovia.com> wrote:
> Hi there.
> I'm currently working on a project where I use a legacy database with a 
> django one.
> I've setup the multi database support and it seems to work pretty well.
> However, I'm getting an issue with testing.
> I need a fixture to load data to both the legacy and Django's databases.
> In order to make this work, I found that I needed to set the multi_db to True 
> in my TestCase (otherwise the legacy database data aren't loaded).
> However, if I do that, it turns out that Django will throw an exception 
> complaining about django_site not existing on my legacy database and would 
> stop tests.

I suspect that this might be an artefact of #14025. The flush command
was being a little too exuberant about the post-syncdb signals it was
emitting; since sites are created by a post-syncdb signal, and
overenthusiastic post-syncdb signal could be causing problems.

I've fixed the problem with flush in r13466 (and fixed the fix in
r13472); can you try a trunk checkout and let me know if it solves
your problem?

> I also noticed some weird behavior with the initial data.
> My initial_data load fine while the test framework works on the django 
> database but it will complains about corrupted file while creating the legacy 
> database (whether or not my testcase has the mult_db set).

Can you show the error message? I can't say this rings any bells for me.

Russ Magee %-)

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