I'm having the following situation.
I got a model "signup" which has a status field (todo, done,
processing, etc.) I have an admin view for it which should show all
signups and I have a filter that will let me do filter by status.
Therefore the person processing the sigups will just click the "todo"
link and start working. I will like to eliminate this step and just
give me todo signups
This is what I have tired/discarded

1- Overrride the queryset this seems the obvious solution but the same
view should give us access to all signups. To look at the history.
2- Override the ChangeList.get_query_set() however I couldn't see a
proper place to do this
3- Modifying the links to the page provide the right QS (won't work if
people go directly to the URL and they do that a lot)
4- Some really ugly stuff like "clicking" the filter link with JS

The only decent solution I have found to this will be to modify the
queryset to add a "order by status=todo" to the SQL in the backend.
However I will really like for the ChangeList to start with a default
filter that is different from "all".

Any other suggestions?

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