On 9 February 2011 02:03, Karen McNeil <karenlmcn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So... that's a no, then?
> I mean, about the question I asked.  You know, the "is there an IDE +
> FTP program" question?

Quoting http://www.aptana.org/products/studio2:

File Transfer & Synchronization
Support for one-shot as well as keep-synchronized setups. Multiple
protocols including FTP, SFTP and FTPS. Ability to automatically
publish your application to selected ISPs and hosting services.

>    - I *do* do a very simple kind of version control, where I save a
> numbered copy of the major site files
>      whenever I've made changes and I've got a stable, working site.
> I've looked into Subversion and Git and,
>      believe me, they would be way overkill for my little projects.

Version control is never an overkill, if the setup is so simple (like
in Git or Mercurial - that git init doesn't really cost you anything).
Plus it solves 3 major problems:

1) Keeping history for your own sanity. Too many times I seen people
go crazy over code that "suddenly stoped working even if I revert the

2) Backups - pushing your code to remote sites like Bitbucket or
Github is a great way, to make sure you don't lose or your work.

3) Deployment - Instead of uploading stuff via FTP, you can just push
your changes to the site. This wil proably require some more knowledge
about VCS, but it will save lots of time.

Łukasz Rekucki

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