On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 4:59 PM, Paweł Roman <romapa...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> But does that mean that the django admin log is broken and cant be
> trusted? How come there isnt any trace of adding those items?

Well, I'd say "broken" might be a bit strong. Some cars drive 200 MPH,
but mine won't. Does that mean my car's "broken"? Of course not: it's
just not designed to drive that fast.

Similarly, the admin log isn't a designed to be a foolproof audit log.
It's a rough history trail, but entries in it are essentially advisory
and there are *plenty* of ways for content to be modified without
leaving an admin log entry.

Without seeing your code it's impossible to say exactly why these
events aren't in the admin log, but I'll try to make a guess or two.

If you take a look at the source, you can see that the admin log is
added by the `log_addition`, `log_change`, and `log_deletion` methods
on `ModelAdmin` (see
These methods, in turn, are called by the admin views (`add_view`,
`change_view`, and `delete_view`) and also by the admin bulk delete
action (see 

However, and this is key, these methods aren't called by anything
else. So actions won't be logged if you:

* Add, edit, or delete objects using any other mechanism than the
admin (e.g. your own views, directly from the Python shell, in the
database directly, etc.)
* Have a custom admin action that modifies objects and doesn't call a
log method.
* Have a custom admin view that doesn't call the super method or
manually call the log method.
* Use a custom admin site that overrides any of the log methods.
* And so on.

I'm willing to bet it's one of these things. But in any case, any code
path that modifies the database without calling a log method leaves
things out of the admin log.

My apologies if the documentation led you to believe that the admin
log was some sort of foolproof audit trail. It's anything but; if
there's money or legal issues on the table, you absolutely need
something more robust and harder to tamper with.


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