On 25-08-11 12:08, Reinout van Rees wrote:
Two questions:

- "Breaking" automatic media_url serving seems worthy of a real note in
the 1.3 changelog. That note isn't there. Is this bad? Or am I missing

Yes, I am missing something...

It turns out that django-staticfiles 0.2.0 included the necessary incantation for the media_url in its urls.py:

            urlpatterns += patterns('django.views.static',
                url(r'^%s(?P<path>.*)$' % base_url, 'serve',
                    {'document_root': settings.MEDIA_ROOT}),

The latest 1.0.x django-staticfiles and the one included in django 1.3 don't have that url.

So... I'll have to do this by hand!


Reinout van Rees                    http://reinout.vanrees.org/
rein...@vanrees.org             http://www.nelen-schuurmans.nl/
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