It's better to learn on a project basis. Every client has different
scope and interest and you cannot predict which apps you will need or
not. Some barely used apps may be essential for you…

But, when you ask… You may need to integrate django-registration with
your django-cms, so you can manage systems, where each user has his own

На Mon, 17 Oct 2011 23:45:09 -0700 (PDT)
Kevin <> написа:

> Hello everyone!
>   I have been using Django for about a year now and feel that I want
> to take my experience to the next level.  I have created a few website
> using Django to test my skills, although not for anyone specific.  I
> am creating this thread as I will like to ask current Django website
> developers what tools and apps are crucial to be learned.
> Currently I have been focusing on the following:
> * Django 1.2
> * Django-guardian
> * JQuery(although not specific to django)
> * Pyjamas(nice alternative to GWT and works with django)
> * Began learning Pinax(based on Django 1.1)
> * Began learning Django-cms
> * A few other, but cannot remember off the top of my head.
> The problem is that I'm not really sure what Django apps to learn due
> to the overwhelming amount of apps that do the same thing, just
> differently.  I choose Django-guardian over Django-authority, for
> example.
> The next django app I plan on learning is Djax and Djaxice.
> Which Django apps does everyone use in their Django projects for your
> company/clients?  I'd rather not learn something which is either going
> out of style, out of style, out dated, or barely used.  I cannot take
> this type of experience with me to work on a larger scale project.
> You must agree that when you look at the djangopackages website, there
> are an overwhelming amount of apps which do almost the exact same
> thing.  I'm not sure how it feels the download counts, or the other
> data.  I would hope from PIP, but not sure if it has an open API for
> polling download counts and such data about packages.

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