
I read your post some days ago and waited what other people say. But
nobody answered.

I posted a related question some time ago: Staging (dev,test,prod) in django. I 
my setup there.

A related thread on django-dev:

I think it would be very good to have the fundamental parts in django:
 * stages: DEV, TEST, PROD
 * get next system: user, host, install-prefix

Several deployment implementation could use these methods and variables. 
between a deployment implementation would be easier.


Am 12.03.2012 23:55, schrieb Tom Eastman:
Hey guys,

I'm looking for deployment best practices for Django projects. Google
searches seem to show countless numbers of them, many of them somewhat
contradictory :-)

So as a simple discussion point: I'm curious to know if lots of people
use setup.py to deploy a django project? That'd mean setup.py would
install your python packages to somewhere on sys.path, maybe in your
python site-packages or maybe in a virtualenv.

Is this considered a common/recommended practice? If so -- where do you
put your settings files?

Maybe you want settings files in /etc/myproject? and add that to
sys.path? Do people do this?

Or do people skip the setup.py thing, and just check out their source to
some directory and add that directory to sys.path?

What I'm doing at the moment:

  - Fabric command sets up apache and directories
  - Another one uses setup.py to create an archive, delivers the archive
and runs setup.py install etc.

Is this silly?

What are your thoughts?

Thomas Guettler, http://www.thomas-guettler.de/
E-Mail: guettli (*) thomas-guettler + de

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