On Monday, June 18, 2012 2:17:26 PM UTC-6, André Pang wrote:
> Hi all,
> The Django Oracle documentation has the following to say about NULL and 
> empty 
> strings<https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.1/ref/databases/#null-and-empty-strings>
>  (emphasis 
> mine):
> Django generally prefers to use the empty string ('') rather than NULL, 
>> but Oracle treats both identically. To get around this, the Oracle backend 
>> coerces the null=True option *on fields that have the empty string as a 
>> possible value*.
> However, I've found that the Oracle schema that Django generates *always 
> *allows 
> NULLs on all string-like fields (CharField, TextField, FilePathField, etc).

Because those are all "fields that have the empty string as a possible 


> I'd assume that Django would only generate schemas where NULL is allowed 
> for fields where blank=True, and that fields where blank=False would have 
> "NOT NULL" included in the Oracle DDL.

blank=True is a validation option, not a database option.  A field with 
blank=False can still have the empty string as a possible value, and it can 
be stored like that in any of the other backends; it's just not accepted by 
the admin site.  In this case it's mainly a cross-compatibility issue -- if 
an app stores the empty string on a blank=False field in Postgres, it 
should be able to do that when the backend is Oracle as well.


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