On Thu, Jul 5, 2012 at 10:48 PM, Andy McKay <a...@clearwind.ca> wrote:
>> I'm trying to use the Navigation Timing package to measure how long a
>> page takes to be rendered.
> So you don't want to include all the lookups? Just the "rendering" part?

Not sure what you mean by "lookups." I want to include everything
between when the server sends the data, to when the page is completely
generated (I'm using "rendered" to mean that). I'm trying to get a
metric on the delay the user experiences.

>> So that would be loadEventEnd-responseEnd,
>> however I am finding that loadEventEnd is always 0 for me, even though
>> I am accessing it from within a window.onload function, e.g:
>> window.onload = function() {
>>     var t = performance.timing;
>>     var render_time = parseInt(t['loadEventEnd']) - 
>> parseInt(t['responseEnd']);
>> }
>> What do I have to wait for before loadEventEnd gets set?
> Stupid question, but when does the onload event occur, before or after
> loadEventEnd?

>From looking at
it seems that that loadEventEnd gets set when the onload event
completes. And from my testing it seems that window.onload fires
before that

> Running it in a console as I type this email, it gives me a non-zero value.

Yes, in a console I see that too. But programatically, I cannot seem
to capture loadEventEnd after it's set.

How did you do it in what you describe at

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