On 21 April 2016 at 10:06, <john.rg....@gmail.com> wrote:

> Either way - we recently hit another Django limitation - as best I've been
> able to tell, joining a table with itself seems to be very poorly supported
> - so we're heading towards SqlAlchemy, and probably away from Django
> altogether in time.

If you're building some report-like queries, or any static queries, I would
suggest to use raw sql.
You can optionally wrap results with model instances using

Previously I used SQLAlchemy together with Django, but currently I'm moving
from SA to templated raw queries, because building them using any ORM is
too hard to maintenance  (code is very unreadable in opposite to plain

But embedding raw queries in Python code is generally bad, same as mixing
Python together html (spaghetti code). That's why I'm working on SQL
templating module based on Django` template engine. If you're interested
please look at https://github.com/marcinn/django-sqltemplate/ (please note
that is a alpha version, which may be unstable and API may be chaged).

The main advantages of raw SQL are readability and no limits. Templated SQL
gives you possibility to modify queries based on context variables, which
is not flexible as querysets, but often good enough to do job well. But as
a disadvantage you have to pay attention to SQL syntax and variables

Kind Regards,

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