2016-09-15 9:21 GMT+02:00 Rahul Doshi <rauljustda...@gmail.com>:

> Hi ,I want to setup  a dropbox like server with django. So far i have
> achieved uploading files onto a location .I want these files to show up on
> browser which they do(while saving file to the location I indexed an entry
> in the Db so i just print the file names from the DB(POSTGRESQL).Now i want
> to provide users options to view or download the files.I put a link on it
> and tried ,it did not work since it shows an javascript error "NOT ALLOWED
> TO LOAD LOCAL RECOURCE" . All uploaded files are loaded in C drive of my
> laptop. Where else do i load so that javascript can load it? Attaching my
> code ..thanks in advance.
> Index.html
> <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/
> jquery.min.js"></script>
> <script>
> function downloadFile(filename){
> }
> </script>
> <table id='filetable' border = '1'>
> {% for i in q  %}
>    <tr>
>    <td>{{i.id}}</td>
>    <td>
>    <a href='C:\Users\rdoshi\storage\{{i.file_name}}'>{{i.file_name}}</a>
>    <button type="button" onclick="downloadFile("{{i.
> file_name}}")">Download</button>
>    </td>
>    </tr>
>  {% endfor %}
> </table>
> <form method = "post" action="../upload/" enctype
> ="multipart/form-data">{% csrf_token %}
>          <input type="file" name="files" multiple />
> <input type = "submit" value="Upload" />
> </form>
> views.py
> from django.shortcuts import render
> from django.http import HttpResponse
> from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
> from polls.models import Files
> from os import walk
> from os.path import isfile, join
> def index(request):
> return render(request,"index.html", {})
> def upload(request):
> for x in request.FILES.getlist("files"):
> def process(f):
> with open(r'C:\Users\rdoshi\storage\%s ' %f.name , 'wb+') as destination:
> b = Files(file_name= f.name)
> b.save()
> for chunk in f.chunks():
> destination.write(chunk)
> process(x)
> q = Files.objects.all()
> return render(request,  "index.html", {'q' : q})
> --
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I think you should look at how the django storage system works

You should store the files in the media directory of your app and not
directly on your harddrive in an arbitrary folder. Then you can serve the
files by using the url that you get from the file field in the model.

The way you have created it now the link goes to your local harddrive and
not to the server itself. If you where to run that on the internet, the
files would be located on the servers drive (to wherever you put the file
folder) and then when clicking on the link the users would be looking at
there own harddrive for the file.

Check https://docs.djangoproject.com/ja/1.10/ref/models/fields/#filefield
for more information about the filefield.



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