OK, so I started over using postrgresql and so far I have one app named 
'accounts' - to hold user models, registration, etc. I tried to migrate and 
got the following error which looks a lot like some of the errors I was 
getting before..

(business_management) C:\Python36\Projects\business_management>python 
manage.py migrate --settings=config.settings.local
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "manage.py", line 22, in <module>
line 363, in execute_from_command_line
line 355, in execute
line 283, in run_from_argv
    self.execute(*args, **cmd_options)
line 330, in execute
    output = self.handle(*args, **options)
line 86, in handle
line 298, in check_consistent_history
django.db.migrations.exceptions.InconsistentMigrationHistory: Migration 
admin.0001_initial is applied before its dependency accounts.0001_initial 
on database 'default'.

let me know if you need anymore info to help me out with this. Thanks in 

On Friday, August 25, 2017 at 12:25:00 PM UTC-6, Alexander Joseph wrote:
> Awesome, thanks James, thats exactly what I'm looking for. I'll try layout 
> 1 first as you suggest
> On Wednesday, August 23, 2017 at 7:49:05 PM UTC-6, James Schneider wrote:
>> On Wed, Aug 23, 2017 at 4:40 PM, Alexander Joseph <alexander...@gmail.com
>> > wrote:
>>> One more question - is there a way to put apps in folders/sub-folders 
>>> instead of creating sub-apps/modules? I just want to keep things easier to 
>>> navigate on the development side. I will eventually have about 20 sub-apps 
>>> in the 'Engineering' app alone.
>>> Even if I could just group all the engineering sub-apps i have now under 
>>> an engineering folder without any further hierarchy that would help as 
>>> there will also be HR, financial apps, administration apps, etc.
>>> Thanks again
>> Technically you can go as deep as you'd like. You can use the module 
>> strategy to emulate a Django 'app' without all the registration fuss. A 
>> couple abbreviated examples:
>> # 1. Group resources and references by object type
>> project/
>>     engineering/
>>         __init__.py
>>         models/
>>             __init__.py
>>              widgets.py
>>              gadgets.py
>>              product1.py
>>              product2.py
>>         views/
>>             __init__.py
>>             product1.py
>>             product2.py
>>      # etc.
>> All of the models for engineering would be grouped in a single 'models' 
>> module. Imports would look like 'from engineering.models.widgets import 
>> WonderWidget'
>> The engineering/models/__init__.py file would contain lines like 'from 
>> .widgets import *' for all of your files that contain models.
>> # 2. Group by business segment or workflow
>> project/
>>     engineering/
>>         __init__.py
>>         models.py
>>         product1/
>>             __init__.py
>>             models.py
>>             views.py
>>             urls.py
>>         product2/
>>             __init__.py
>>             models.py
>>             views.py
>>             urls.py
>>      # etc.
>> In this case, you're replicating the structure of an 'app' without 
>> creating one by Django's definition. The engineering/models.py file would 
>> then contain imports like 'from .product1.models import *' in order to get 
>> the model auto-discovery to work correctly. 
>> I'm under the impression that most developers use layout #1, but a large 
>> project might work better with #2 if there aren't a lot of 
>> cross-dependencies. 
>> Note that using Python modules rather than real Django apps will also 
>> keep your settings.INSTALLED_APPS list minimized. With as many 'apps' as 
>> you were originally talking about, that list could be dozens or hundreds of 
>> items long.
>> IMHO I would start with #1 and see how it works for you. It could be the 
>> generalized term 'product' that you're using, but to me, a product would 
>> not trigger a new 'app' for me, just extra model/view/url/etc. files, 
>> especially given how often products change or are added/removed. In that 
>> case, #2 might work better since all of the related code is within a single 
>> sub-folder (but all the references to that code aren't, so there is still 
>> work to be done). YMMV
>> -James

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