OK Trying to implement this now and has SQL that works but can't work how 
to use the Django ORM to produce it. Here is the proforma SQL:

        SELECT id, LAG(id, 1) OVER (ORDER BY <an order_by expression>) AS 
prior, LEAD(id 1) OVER (ORDER BY <an order_by expression>) AS next
        FROM <mytable>
      ) result
WHERE id=<myid>;

There's a sub query involved (as LAG and LEAD don't work if you constrain 
the inner query alas. And I've used SubQuery in Django before but not like 
this, (in the FROM clause), and am a tad stuck. Can anyone code this sort 
of query up in the Django ORM with QuerySets.

I can create the inner set.

result = model.objects.annotate(prior=Window(expression=Lag("pk"), order_by=
order_by)).annotate(next=Window(expression=Lead("pk"), order_by=order_by))

Now the question is how to filter() the result of that, rather than that 
itself ;-). If that makes sense. Namely the aforementioned SQL. Any 
filter() I add to the end of this ORM QyerySet produces SQL more like

SELECT id, LAG(id, 1) OVER (ORDER BY <an order_by expression>) AS prior, 
LEAD(id 1) OVER (ORDER BY <an order_by expression>) AS next
FROM <mytable>
WHERE id=<myid>;

In with prior and next are empty, because that's just how such SQL works it 
seems. do the WHERE on the table produced by the SELECT/FROM as per SQL 
above to make this work.



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