I have deployed to post g res p g admin4 and deleted db. s q lite from
Django. and set my allowed host =['*']

Am getting server [500].

if any help will be appreciated

need a solution after deleting s q .lite d b from Django project and used
allowed host to * .

am getting 500 server request. LOOKING FOR SOLUTION AM NEW TO DJANGO


DATABASES = { 'default': {

    'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',
    'NAME': 'accerla',
    'USER' : 'post g res',
    'PASSWORD': 'pwd3',
    'HOST' : 'localhost',
    'PORT' : '5432',

[07/Nov/2022 05:14:06] INFO [django.utils.autoreload:677] Watching for file
changes with StatReloader
[07/Nov/2022 05:14:06] DEBUG [django.utils.autoreload:330] Waiting for apps
[07/Nov/2022 05:14:06] DEBUG [django.utils.autoreload:342] Apps ready_event
triggered. Sending autoreload_started signal.
[07/Nov/2022 05:14:06] DEBUG [django.utils.autoreload:296] Watching dir
C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\webappstudioz\templates with glob **/*.
any suggestion would be appreciated

Thanks & Regards
Mohammed Raffi.J

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