On Thu, 2007-03-29 at 17:08 -0500, Greg Donald wrote:
> On 3/29/07, Rubic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Ditto.  I don't think I've crashed it but once in three month's
> > of development.
> Anytime I have anything wrong in my code and save the file, it tries
> to reload the file and immediately crashes.  It doesn't just crash
> returning me to a bash prompt, it locks up, I have to hit Ctrl + C,
> then restart it.  Are you saying this is not normal?  What can I do to
> fix it?

Yeah, this is something we could change. It's severity is kind of
related to experience a bit, too, which is why a lot of people won't see
it. I find that when I'm making incremental changes, the number of times
I save a file containing a syntax error is close to zero. But I'm sure I
mad ea lot more typos when I was getting used to Python.

My gut feeling is that if the development server detects a syntax error
(or validation error, as Karen points out), we should just exit, rather
than trying to recover. It's kind of pointless to keep trying to reload
a file with a syntax error, since you won't know how long it will take
the programmer to notice. Simply stopping gives a pretty unambiguous
response the next time they try to load the page.

If/when I get some time, I'll have a poke at this. If somebody wants to
create a ticket and assign it to me (mtredinnick), feel free.


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