Hi There!

I'm Markus Majer, and I'm from the german Ubuntu community. I plannig
a ubuntu / open source booth at a web developer confernce in
Ludwigsburg called "Webinale 2007"..

Some english information is provided here:
In german:

Some of the interesting schedule points:

"Anhänger zumindest der drei Frameworks Rails, Google Web Toolkit und
JavaServer Faces (anwesende Anhänger von anderen Frameworks dürfen
gerne mitmachen) werden das Alleinstellungsmerkmal ihres Frameworks
vorstellen - und sich dann einem Smackdown mit ungewissem Ausgang
stellen. Wir hoffen, dass wir die Verletzungsgefahr auf der Bühne
gering halten können..."


"Supporter of at least the three frameworks Rails, Google Web Toolkit
and JavaServer Faces (attendant supporters of other frameworks are
welcome to take part) will describe the USP of their framework - and
afterwards take part on a smackdown of unkown ending. We hope we can
keep the the risk of injury onstage in limits.." ;)

There are many other interesting sessions, workshops and additional a
international PHP conference and many other stuff / participants..
( http://webinale.de/konferenzen/planer/zeitplan_webinale07.html )
Many of them are with commercial background, so I think the organizers
felt a disturbance in the force ;) and want to have also a open-source
part on the conference / fair and so they approached us on the ubuntu
booth on the CeBit that we can make a booth for free there.

But to keep it short, I wanna ask if there is someone from germany -
but could be also some english speaking guy who is in south germany at
the end of May - who has some experience in django (I only start but I
like it more and more every time *g*) and web development in general,
and also uses Linux, preferably (K)Ubuntu Linux on desktop and/or
Ubuntu Server on the server side.

I don't want only to show the people Ubuntu / Linux, but also how and
for whate they could use it in their companies, which all have some
web development background or some background according to the topics
of the conference.. (From my side there will be also some
demonstration of Eclipse + Aptana Web IDE + PyDev etc.) Many deciders
who are interested in new ways of doing things will be there, so it
could be interesting if you want to help to empower linux / open
source web development :)

Leave me a message here or at my mail, contact me on freenode (my nick
is mpathy) or write me something at http://ubuntuusers.de (a django-
powered community platform, btw) especially on our booth planning


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