
My first question would be if you've checked into flatpages yet.  If
I'm reading what you're asking, it solves the problem almost entirely.
 And, it's quite simple and you can use it to build more structure on
if you need more features than it offers.

On 4/4/07, Joshua <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am completely new to the Django project and have some initial
> questions that I hope someone can answer for me.
> I have searched this group and the internet looking for this
> information, however, I seem unable to find answers.
> First, a little background info. After giving rails a shot, I had some
> difficultly getting started and came across Django - which, after
> installing and playing around with a bit, feels much more comfortable
> (I have a very small bit of experience with Python), easier to use,
> and more extendable. It also seems to give you more functionality
> right off the bat (admin, rss), which makes it faster to utilize for
> real tasks like building a data driven site.
> While I was able to get a admin interface up and running in a few
> hours, and believe I basically understand how the apps work in
> relation to a project - I am starting to question whether it would be
> better to build an CMS with another toolset/language or build on top
> of Django.
> The specific task I have in front of me is to build a CMS that can be
> customized for different sites and different "views" (templates) while
> allowing a CMS admin user to add pages to a site - much like the
> radiantCMS built with Rails ( However, unlike
> radiant, I don't want to have to use ANOTHER template language (other
> than the one provided with Django) to build my views.
> I have looked around for a project or code that implements this
> feature using Django and haven't seen anything - is there something
> I'm missing, or would this be extremely difficult to create? I would
> be happy to contribute to a project or give this away upon completion
> - I'm just wondering if Django is the right tool for the job ahead.
> Honestly, the auto admin, and Django in general have me geeked - I
> really want to focus on using it along with MooTools.
> Thanks in advance for your help,
> Josh
> >

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