Just to give an update, I've tried forking the view, and then turning
the child process into a daemon with a double fork, and then exiting
before it gets to the return, and letting the parent do the return,
but this is not working either...

I'm stumped, and don't really want to have to create a specific
controller daemon (but guess I'm going to have to)

- Olllie

On Jul 5, 2:58 am, Oliver Charles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> I'm currently playing around trying to make something akin to
> TorrentFlux, using Django. TorrentFlux is a system that's PHP and it
> calls shell scripts to download torrents in the background, with a web
> interface to control them. For every torrent download, a new process
> is started, which runs with the torrent - downloading and seeding it.
> My system is similar, and i'm at a very proof of concept stage at the
> moment. However, I've hit a problem. I can't find a nice way to spawn
> the processes, without Django hanging as long as the process needs
> (and for 600mb torrents, that's gonna be hours, and endless if seeding
> is expected).
> At the moment I am doing:
> def start(request):
>     p = os.spawnlp(os.P_NOWAIT, 'python', 'python', '/Users/acid/Work/
> dTorrent/btdownloadheadless',
>         '/Users/acid/Desktop/Inbox/-{mininova.org}- Professional C+
> +.torrent')
>     t = Torrent.objects.create(pid=p)
>     return HttpResponse(str(p))
> But this is hanging, despite the P_NOWAIT (the Torrent model does get
> created).
> Any ideas?

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