I just added a Field in my Orders class.  It looks like this:

timestamp = models.DateField("Creation Date")


I create a new instance of the order class below:

o = Orders()
                o.s_name = 'Greg Smith'
                o.s_address = '123 West Main'
                o.s_city = 'city'
                ... (And so on)

Do I need to put something into my timestamp field when I create the
Orders instance?  For example:

o = Orders()
                o.timestamp = ?? # Not sure what goes here
                o.s_name = 'Bob'
                o.s_address = '123 West Main'
                o.s_city = 'city'
                ... (And so on)


Currently, when I save the Orders instance it writes it to the db.  I
can view the record in my admin.  I can open the record and select
'Today' for my timestamp field and click save.  However, I get the
error ''unicode' object has no attribute 'strftime'' When I try to
open the record after I added the timestamp.

I would like to be able to create the current date when I' working
with the Orders instance (o.timestamp)

Any help would be appreciated.


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