> hi people, I got a little question, how can I make some users add news
> (model News), modify only news owned by him or even delete his news, not
> others users news, but only admins can publish all of them?


The stock admin doesn't offer functionality to prevent a user 
from mucking with stuff they don't own, but you can write a 
custom view to handle it for you.  Adding is distinct from 
modifying/deleting.  For adding, you check whatever your 
condition is; for editing/deleting, you have an object that needs 
to have information regarding who created it.

ADD = 'add'
SAVE = 'save'
DELETE = 'delete'

dev view_news(request, id=None):
   if request.POST:
     action = request.POST.get('action', SAVE)
     if action == ADD and resquest.user.is_staff:
       # or whatever check you want... is_staff
       # or has_perm('news.can_add')
       pass # add the item
       item = get_object_or_404(News, id)
       if item.creator_id == request.user.id:
         if action == SAVE:
           pass # do save here
         elif action == DELETE:
           pass # do delete or delete-confirmation here
           raise WhatYouTalkinBoutWillisException
         return HttpResponseForbidden(
           "I'm sorry, Dave.  You can't do that")
     return HttpResponseRedirect(wherever)
     if id:
       item = get_object_or_404(News, id)
       # show the form, populated with the item's data
       # show a blank form for them to add
       pass # do whatever you want here...


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