Although I think this view is mostly true at the moment I have a
feeling that it will change in the near future.

The admin pages are currently fairly customisable and newforms-admin
expands this capability extensively.

The problem is two-fold:
1. Documentation in this area is fairly weak and a lot of the
customization involves subclassing Django classes etc. Currently the
only way to understand this is to read the Django source - as readable
as it is this is a whole level of complexity beyond that needed to use
Django's standard features.

2. newforms-admin isn't quite ready yet - although it's getting very

I decided to go down this route myself instead of writing my own CRUD.
I am beginning to think I jumped the gun by a few months. There are
still a few rough edges and it's hard to get answers when you are
stuck as not many people are using Django Admin in this way. I'm
nearly there although the fact that my users are will be fairly
trustworthy has enabled me to cut a few corners that wouldn't be
appropriate on a public website.

Do have a look at what is possible in Admin simply by overriding the
basic templates. The fact that you can do this on a model by model
basis is extremely powerful in itself.


On Oct 1, 6:13 pm, cjl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> HG:
> Thank you for your reply.
> I guess I don't really have a well-formed question, but I having
> trouble thinking of an example of using the admin interface that isn't
> artificial.
> It seems that admin might be good when you are developing a website or
> application to quickly add and edit data, but a mature website or
> application will have data entry and editing done through forms.
> My confusion, and presumably the confusion of other newcomers, is that
> admin is shown early in the learning process of the official tutorial,
> and appears to be the way to enter data. Of course, admin is a huge
> 'selling point', so I can understand why the developers would want to
> show it off.
> OK, I guess my question is: In a mature web application developed with
> Django, is admin really used for anything?  Or, now that newforms-
> admin is almost here, is there any difference between admin and forms?
> Will admin just be another form, with low level access to the models?
> -cjl

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