As Karen noted, I last merged on 10/26 to r6613 -- thus, the latest
GeoDjango is more up-to-date than your latest checkout of trunk

> If the trunk and GeoDjango AREN'T currently compatible, would it be
> possible for us to add geometry columns AFTER a syncdb creates the
> "standard" model tables? Would the automatic admin still work in such a
> situation?

For all intents and purposes, the GeoDjango branch is identical to the
latest merge of the trunk -- the largest difference is the addition of
django.contrib.gis module.  The rest of the changes to the trunk are
limited in scope and few in number, and are only present to support
the GIS features.  There should not be a problem using GeoDjango for
non-GIS Django applications.

If you tried to interface with PostGIS geometry values on a vanilla
trunk, you would most likely run into many problems -- a major one
being that you would have to write your own custom field anyway for
the admin to recognize the column, let alone manipulate its value.
One possible route would be to inherit from TextField, but you'd be
manipulating HEXEWKB (returned by PostGIS by default) in the admin,
which isn't particularly intuitive.  Moreover, you would have to write
custom sql methods for each of the spatial operations you required.

Thus, I have a feeling that implementing your own fields, and
associated hacks to accomplish geospatial functionality may turn out
being more "unstable" than just using GeoDjango to begin with.


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