Hello Tim

Am 05.04.2008 um 21:19 schrieb Tim Sawyer:
> I'd like to have a site that gives away and sells PDFs, and tracks  
> downloads
> of those PDFs.

I hope I got your question right. I have a little bit different  
aproach since django never serves the file directly.

If you are using nginx as a frontend-proxy and static file serving  
just configure a protected-download-dir:

location /protected-downloads/ {
    alias /var/protected/;

The "internal" is to disallow regular gets so your file is not  
downloadable without the "OK" from your view.

Now you can send a X-Accel-Redirect Header from your view to let the  
nginx send a file:

def download(request, file=None):
     response = HttpResponse()
     response['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream'
     response['X-Accel-Redirect'] = '/protected-downloads/' + file
     return response

Of course you can do additional processing in download as storing the  
IP and download count to your database.
This soulution has the advantage that your files can be served very  
quickly from your proxy instead of a relatively slow mod_python-apache.

If you are using Apache or lighttpd as a frontend-proxy you can use a  
similar aproach with: X-Sendfile.
Or you use Amazon s3 etc...

Thomas Kerpe

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