ok but how can I add it though the admin interface and I how would I
get a relationship between models and the feedparser script?

On May 21, 4:25 pm, Eric Abrahamsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On May 21, 2008, at 11:07 PM, sebey wrote:
> >> Use Feedparser (http://www.feedparser.org/) in a stand-alone script,
> >> run by a cron job, that checks feeds for updates a few times per day.
> >> Have a django model that represents rss feeds and feed items, and
> >> then
> >> import the necessary stuff at the top of your feed parser script so
> >> that you can save new feed items to the database as they come in.
> >> Once
> >> the feed items are in your database, you can use them as normal in
> >> the
> >> rest of your django app.
> > I  am new to web development how would I go about all of this?
> To get a standalone script to run under your proper django
> environment, put this at the top:
> from django.core.management import setup_environ
> import sys
> sys.path.append('/path/to/your/project')
> from yourproject import settings
> setup_environ(settings)
> Then you'll be able to import your feed models, create new instances,
> and save them, all within this script.
> Next, Google for how to set up a cron job, read the feedparser
> documentation for how to use feedparser, and you're good to go!
> E
> > On May 21, 12:12 pm, Eric Abrahamsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> On May 21, 2008, at 6:58 PM, sebey wrote:
> >>> I know css does not not have any variables but I was thinking that
> >>> python/django could look though the css file and have
> >>> background-color:{{insert python varible here}}
> >>> but I did consider that first about copy and pasting a style sheet
> >>> and
> >>> just change the background but I never thought about inheritance so
> >>> thank you
> >> Why don't you just use an inline <style> section in the your
> >> template's head section, and set the CSS there?
> >>> but please doe anyone no about import rss feeds form other sites and
> >>> grabing about the feed them manipulate  the tags to mark them up and
> >>> css them
> >> Use Feedparser (http://www.feedparser.org/) in a stand-alone script,
> >> run by a cron job, that checks feeds for updates a few times per day.
> >> Have a django model that represents rss feeds and feed items, and
> >> then
> >> import the necessary stuff at the top of your feed parser script so
> >> that you can save new feed items to the database as they come in.
> >> Once
> >> the feed items are in your database, you can use them as normal in
> >> the
> >> rest of your django app.
> >> Yrs,
> >> Eric
> >>> On May 21, 1:33 am, Simon Tite <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>> I'm afraid I don't quite understand all of your question, but I can
> >>>> possibly answer part of it, although please bear in mind I'm quite
> >>>> new
> >>>> at Django, so there may be better ways of doing it.
> >>>> On May 19, 11:50 am, sebey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>>> I am thinking about making a template that has the sturcture and
> >>>>> and
> >>>>> have a css template with the background color as a variable is
> >>>>> this
> >>>>> possible basically all the shows come form this template  and css
> >>>>> file
> >>>> As far as I know, CSS files can't have variables or constants
> >>>> defined
> >>>> within them. To have different colour backgrounds, my first
> >>>> approach
> >>>> would be simply to have different CSS files, e.g. base_red.css,
> >>>> base_green.css, etc. This is an approach I am currently using in a
> >>>> development I am doing, however, the drawback is obviously going to
> >>>> be
> >>>> the ongoing maintenance of two or more CSS files which need to be
> >>>> identical apart from one or two lines defining the colour. Probably
> >>>> not a tremendous problem if it is ONLY the background colour which
> >>>> needs to change... The applicable CSS file to be used can be
> >>>> defined
> >>>> using the template system: in my base.html (which defines to
> >>>> overall
> >>>> structure of all subordinate pages) I have the following line:
> >>>> (in the <head>.....</head> block):     <link rel="stylesheet"
> >>>> href="../
> >>>> stylesheets/{{style}}.css" type="text/css">
> >>>> The variable {{ style }} can be defined in the URL, or maybe in the
> >>>> GET data (eg www.<somesite>.com/?style=red), or anywhere you like.
> >>>> This worked fine for me, because I am using it to define more than
> >>>> just the background colour, but also to radically change the layout
> >>>> of
> >>>> the page, such as fonts, borders, graphics, element positioning
> >>>> etc.
> >>>> However the next stage might be, to have more than one stylesheet
> >>>> for
> >>>> the page... I think this would work fine for just background colour
> >>>> changes, for example:
> >>>> Style sheet red.css:
> >>>> body {background-color: #FF0000;}
> >>>> Style sheet green.css:
> >>>> body {background-color: #00FF00;}
> >>>> Style sheet base.css:
> >>>> All the other stuff!
> >>>> base.html:
> >>>> <head>
> >>>>    <link rel="stylesheet" href="../stylesheets/{{style}}.css"
> >>>> type="text/css">
> >>>>    <link rel="stylesheet" href="../stylesheets/base.css"
> >>>> type="text/
> >>>> css">
> >>>> </head>
> >>>> I haven't tried this yet, but I think it would work.
> >>>> The third thought to occur to me was to use JavaScript (or
> >>>> something)
> >>>> to directly modify the DOM model, however at this stage the
> >>>> learning
> >>>> curve seem too scary to me, however it might actually be the best
> >>>> way
> >>>> in the end, if the variations in styles become too complex.
> >>>>> not to mention can you load a template with in a template like
> >>>>> have
> >>>>> the homepages with templates inside them?
> >>>> Well, yes I think so... I'm not sure why you think that would not
> >>>> be
> >>>> possible, have you had a problem with it, or am I misunderstanding
> >>>> your question?
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